Emmy Lou by Marty Links for February 07, 2014

  1. Comic thumb 9 3 2011 larger
    JLG Premium Member about 11 years ago

    Man, doctors in 1965 still made house calls, huh?

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  2. Biker mona avi
    yaakovashoshana  about 11 years ago

    Most doctors had stopped making house calls by the late 60’s. I do remember the doctor making a house call when my great-grandmother was sick, so that would have been at least ’67 or ’68.

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    emmyloufan1  about 11 years ago

    The Dr never came to the house but I still remember when the milkman delivered milk to our house in real milk bottles. No horse though!!

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  4. Kat 1
    katina.cooper  about 11 years ago

    Emmy Lou’s parents must trust the doctor to be in there alone with her. Too bad I don’t know what she meant by the pill turning the corner.

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  5. Redfoxava
    reynard61  about 11 years ago

    I can vividly remember our doctor’s last housecall in the Winter of 1967-68. My sister and I both had chicken pox and my sister came down with strep throat at the same time. (She caught it from our baby-sitter who was carrying but presenting no symptoms at the time.)

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