Frazz by Jef Mallett for March 21, 2014

  1. Jb jazz
    AlnicoV   almost 11 years ago

    practical considerations, sort of.

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  2. Mr. connolly
    gcarlson  almost 11 years ago

    Haven’t listened to Garrison Keillor’s “Young Lutheran’s Guide to the Orchestra” in many years (my copy is on cassette tape), but it seems to me holding the cello between your legs had too much sexual connotation.

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    Johnnie Polo Premium Member almost 11 years ago

    Brown underpants come in handy as well.

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    K M  almost 11 years ago

    Strangely, there is one occupation in this country that dictates the wearing of black underpants, which I find curious since their uniform also dictates gray slacks: Major league baseball umpires. So if the ump splits his pants, it’ll still be noticeable.

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    98% of females  about 10 years ago

    That’s racist

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  6. Dog
    robert423elliott  almost 2 years ago

    Racist??? These days, name something that isn’t! Going fishing? The worm is racist. Playing the guitar? The strings are racist! Don’t ask me how, it just is……….IF YOU ARE A LIBERAL. They see the bad in everything. EVERYTHING!!! They are horrible beings!

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