For Better or For Worse by Lynn Johnston for April 11, 2014

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    Templo S.U.D.  almost 11 years ago

    Not exactly music to John’s and the kids’ ears, Elly.

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    ORMouseworks  almost 11 years ago

    Elly, I don’t think your family liked what they heard…but, yes, you Do need to take time for yourself…busy families can wear you down in a hurry with children of that age… ;)

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    hsawlrae  almost 11 years ago

    H O R R O R S !!!

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    mischugenah  almost 11 years ago

    Everyone needs a break now and then.

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    MIHorn Premium Member almost 11 years ago

    It’s not so much her they miss. It’s the unpaid cook-and-clean.

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    IndyMan  almost 11 years ago

    I still wonder what Elly is going to find when she opens the door! !

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    MagOctopus  almost 11 years ago

    I’m impressed you get internet service in your cave.

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    USN1977  almost 11 years ago

    Well put. To paraphrase Mary Poppins, “a parent needs to earn a living, but the kids are not going to forever stay small.” Michael and Elizabeth are not Calvin, they are not going to be kids all their lives. Ergo, Elly needs to be there for the children as much as she can, just like John has.

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    Poollady  almost 11 years ago

    Back to reality, Elly

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    Argy.Bargy2  almost 11 years ago

    -She needs to decide what she wants…to be on her own or to raise her family-In that last frame, she didn’t say she wanted to be on her own. She said she should get away more often. A very different thing.

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    loves raising duncan  almost 11 years ago

    They still don’t appreciate her. What a surprise.

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    hippogriff  almost 11 years ago

    howtheduck: Real conventions, as opposed to those providing anonymity, blondes, and booze, have courses, seminars, informal discussions, and even printed resources.

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    westny77  almost 11 years ago

    Oh Ellie quit while you are ahead.

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