Rose is Rose by Don Wimmer and Pat Brady for March 25, 2014
Guardian: Think of your life as a comic book... Every moment of your life fits into its own panel... You decide what happens. Your choices move your story along! Pasquale: Do I own the movie rights to my own character? Guardian: Okay! Let's forget the comic book analogy for now!
Zero-Gabriel almost 11 years ago
@PasqualeYou are your own character so… I thinking pretty much Yes.
StoicLion1973 almost 11 years ago
As Todd MacFarlane discovered with Spider-Man, only if you are the creator.
vwdualnomand almost 11 years ago
and, it might be portrayed by multiple actors in film ie superman, spiderman, batman, etc…
Darwinskeeper almost 11 years ago
Oddly enough I’ve often thought of my own life in that way. I never worried about movie rights because I could never imagine any movie about my life getting a large audience.
Argy.Bargy2 almost 11 years ago
-And I’m thinking the answer, for most of us, is no, not really….