Pearls Before Swine by Stephan Pastis for December 01, 2007
"Ohh, Andy... you missed your cruise." "I know... I walked all night, but I didn't get anywhere." "Awwww Andy... it's... it's... because you're-" "...On a chain. A chain that gets a little weaker every time I pull against it... a chain that one day's gonna break." "Oh, Andy..." "Hey... don't squish the hat."
11256 almost 13 years ago
umm couldn’t he just lift the chain up over the stake?
comicsnerd74 almost 10 years ago
Awww. That’s kinda touching.
Clearstream over 8 years ago
yanks the peg outta the ground There yago Andy!
NErDysprosium over 5 years ago
Andy in Panel 3 is me whenever someone (I like) decides to mess with one of my fedoras (if it’s someone I don’t like, that’s about the time I break out my baseball bat and pull a Rat).
nathan.garner about 3 years ago
top commet?
joegee over 2 years ago
Poor Andy. :(