La Cucaracha by Lalo Alcaraz for April 28, 2014

  1. Jb jazz
    AlnicoV   almost 11 years ago

    That whole train wreck in Nevada, even the twits on Fox news are distancing themselves as fast as they can.

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    cdward  almost 11 years ago

    The fact that they were celebrating him up till his slavery comments says plenty. The guy stole millions from us.

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  3. Tarot
    Nighthawks Premium Member almost 11 years ago

    the mouse that roared

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    chuckconly  almost 11 years ago

    Lalo gets further to the left everyday, I guess Trudeau is his idol, I’m sure by now everyone has the chop job done by The times n the ranchers speech, He praises Mexicans! But you can’t expect truth from leftists!

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    Lorenzo Browncoat  almost 11 years ago

    Well, that’s funny. I was just gonna post a comment along the lines of, " Right on, hermano."

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    dzw3030  almost 11 years ago

    Can we spell misdirection, folks? The guy may be a jerk, but the BLM still miss behaved. There is a bigger issue involved. Why does every regulatory agency need a SWAT Team? Once a SWAT team is created, it’s a resource that can’t sit idle, it’s existence must be justified. This is not a good thing.

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    kaffekup   almost 11 years ago

    I wonder why no-one complained when the Police State used pepper spray and water cannons and SWAT teams on peaceful Occupy protesters. I remember that “cop” spraying sitting people like they were cockroaches. I’m sure he’s still proud of himself.

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