“David, why are you staring at me?”.“Oh, my eyes are just naturally attracted to the prettiest thing in the room.”/Whereupon Debbie turned a pretty shade of red.-The truth was that I was not staring at her, in fact my mind was not even on this planet, I was thinking of astronomical matters and my eyes were just open and pointed somewhat her way.But girls never believe such honest answers.
Templo S.U.D. almost 11 years ago
My bad on the calculation yesterday (100-22=78, not 88).
Llewellenbruce almost 11 years ago
They can only stare out the window six hours a dayNelson. The other 18 hours are spent sleeping and eating.
arye uygur almost 11 years ago
“Eh?”? Is Grandpa Canadian?
naturally_easy almost 11 years ago
No, Canadians say “eh” after every comment, not when they need someone to repeat themselves. Know what I mean, eh?
GROG Premium Member almost 11 years ago
Y’all say eh.
jimgamer almost 11 years ago
I think Earl stare’s at the tv for hour’s and hour’s !!!!! 8^)
David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen almost 11 years ago
“David, why are you staring at me?”.“Oh, my eyes are just naturally attracted to the prettiest thing in the room.”/Whereupon Debbie turned a pretty shade of red.-The truth was that I was not staring at her, in fact my mind was not even on this planet, I was thinking of astronomical matters and my eyes were just open and pointed somewhat her way.But girls never believe such honest answers.
ziggman14304 almost 11 years ago
@davidhuiegreen but you made her happy, that’s what counts.
jtviper7 almost 11 years ago
Don’t bother Gramps when he’s handiccaping the Derby horses…
Pretzelcoatl almost 11 years ago
I thought I made it REALLY obvious I was kidding. Oh, well.
Number Three almost 11 years ago
Earl’s hearing aid must have stopped working.
Either that or he’s getting tired of the subject.
gmasj almost 11 years ago
I love to look out the window, watch the birds, squirrels, the wind in the trees, clouds going by, etc.
platechick almost 11 years ago
When our cat does that, it’s because he’s plotting his escape and world takeover. Don’t be fooled. It’s only a matter of time.
wiatr almost 11 years ago
I wonder if Earl is watching a TV that’s turned on. If it isn’t he’s probably better off.