Liberty Meadows by Frank Cho for May 12, 2014

  1. 20230415 170925
    Chithing  almost 11 years ago

    It concerns a procedure for fixing a broken heart…or was it extreme wimpiness?

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  2. Koala
    miqq1234  almost 11 years ago

    …and just look at the smug look on the other guys face…typical

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    Starman1948  almost 11 years ago

    Frank wimps out again. Be a man Frank. Tell her you love her and want to marry her. This could become a threesome.

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  4. Koala
    orbenjawell Premium Member almost 11 years ago

    Great placement of features in the artwork!! like Rog’s storm-clouds eyebrows, P1, but Brandy’s head’s hiding R’s mouth so you can’t see it!! Frown ‘o doubt? Or Smirk ’o victory? We cannot be exactly sure, BUT!! Hey, hey, R knows why Frank’s there, but………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………beatcha to it, bubby-boy, BEAT Cha to it!!!

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  5. 130 charalphonse
    topbunk  almost 11 years ago

    This isn’t finished yet, hmmm…

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  6. Other7 brush
    Meh~tdology, fka Pepelaputr   almost 11 years ago

    Brandy missed you when your junk was hanging out during the Jen arc, so she’s going to marry Roger as a consolation prize.

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    NoSleepTil_BKLYN  almost 11 years ago

    Don’t worry Frank, give Brandy a year and a half (2 years tops) and she’ll be back on the market!

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  8. Jkjkjkj
    Scorchwave  almost 11 years ago

    Notice how his glasses don’t join on his nose? Weird.

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