Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for January 28, 2010

  1. Irish clover.svg
    johnnydoc5  about 15 years ago

    Because, somehow, that makes the news. I don’t know how he made Earl’s connection.

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  2. Phonepic3altered4
    yyyguy  about 15 years ago

    but which would be more terrifying? boxers or briefs? probably not the exploding thong. i’d imagine you wouldn’t get more than a firecracker’s worth of explosive in a thong.

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  3. 654px red eyed tree frog   litoria chloris edit1
    Superfrog  about 15 years ago

    Maybe a “Y front” is a shaped charge.

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  4. Opus45
    poppy1313  about 15 years ago

    I had an explosion that ended up in my underwear

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  5. Phil b r
    pbarnrob  about 15 years ago

 We were hoping not to hear that!

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    ronaldmundy  about 15 years ago

    never trust a fart.

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  7. Kitty at sunset
    wicky  about 15 years ago

    Or when you have the flu, be vewy vewy careful how you cough, it can be disaster.

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  8. Yikes
    grinstoya  about 15 years ago

    Would definitely add a new dimension to the term
 atomic wedgies.

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    Lyons Group, Inc.  about 15 years ago

    Can joke about this now because on Christmas Day, the good lord saved 300 lives from a nutcase on a plane from blowing himself up with his underwear just the same way he stopped another nutcase eight years ago from trying to kill people on a plane with his shoe!

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  10. Large dolphin1a
    DolphinGirl78  about 15 years ago


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  11. Lonelemming
    Ernest Lemmingway  about 15 years ago

    ::Wrinkles nose:: It’s
Brown Evil!

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    dirtmusic  about 15 years ago

    The good lord must have been having a day off on 9/11.

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  13. Owls 96
    gjsjr41  about 15 years ago

    I was just think about that too.

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  14. Grog poop
    GROG Premium Member about 15 years ago

    So that’s the latest poop.

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  15. Gort
    Takiniteasy  about 15 years ago

    Stay away from the brown acid 

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    FUNIG1  about 15 years ago

    Wiley Miller: I think your strip is GREAT! I enjoy almost ALL of your ‘toons! Thanks!

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    Varnes  about 15 years ago

    Poppy, thank you for sharing
a stink bomb, eh?

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    NYTexas  about 15 years ago

    I say this NOT to start a firestorm
.as a survior of the 9/11 horror in downtown NY, no dirtmusic & bdaysuit, the good Lord didn’t take a day off that day
He was right there with all of us, from sea to shining sea

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  19. Eyes
    aerwalt  about 15 years ago

    Amen, NYTexas

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    cleokaya  about 15 years ago

    Tonight’s menu features a black bean burrito, 3 bean salad and refried beans.

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    Geomax  about 15 years ago

    it’s such a crappy subject!!

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  22. Pats
    mjlew01  about 15 years ago

    god had NOTHING to do with 9/11, the shoe bomber, Anthrax, or the underwear chucklehead.

    PEOPLE with twisted evil minds are responsible for that. To think God had an active hand in ANY of that is wrong. It’s like looking at a piece of toast and seeing the Madonna. It’s ALL in the eye of the beholder.

    Plus, this is more of a political statement. the main Difference today is the righties don’t up the threat level to protect the shrub from any criticism. Remember when the neo-cons were telling us the only way to be safe was to give trilions to their friends and to always be affraid.

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  23. Red fox  logo
    Bennn  about 15 years ago

    I am happy for you, NYTexas, and all other survivors. But tell us, what did the “Good” Lord have against the 3000 (roughly) that didn’t survive 9/11, or those still lung damaged or emotionally scared from the debris of that day, or the thousands of Iraqi and Afghans, plus our troops and their families that will someday be the end product of his inspiration for Dubya & Cohorts? Did they just forget to toss a pinch of spilled salt over their shoulders? And the “good” Lord hasn’t done much to stop his protĂ©gĂ©s from polluting every shining seas.

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  24. Ankh 280
    David_J Premium Member about 15 years ago

    Now that’s pure gold. Earl and Edna should have their own strip!

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  25. Dsc00030
    alviebird  about 15 years ago

    Hey folks, we’re not in the garden anymore. We were kicked out to find out how it is to live without His protection. To skin our knees. How would we learn if he prevented every disaster? Disasters that mankind perpetrates on himself. God does not do these things to us, we do.

    Not that He doesn’t occasionally intervene.

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  26. Styledog
    gopuppy  about 15 years ago

    Well what happened on that plane was sheer karma - the guy tried to kill everyone by setting off an explosive in his underwear and ended up with setting his underwear on fire. Hopefully the damage was enough to prevent him passing on any of his genes.

    However I do hope that the TSA will not require people entering the secure area of airports to remove their underwear.

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  27. Yellow pig small
    bmonk  about 15 years ago

    Bennn said, about 2 hours ago

    “I am happy for you, NYTexas, and all other survivors. But tell us, what did the “Good” Lord have against the 3000 (roughly) that didn’t survive 9/11, or those still lung damaged or emotionally scared from the debris of that day, or the thousands of Iraqi and Afghans, plus our troops and their families that will someday be the end product of his inspiration for Dubya & Cohorts? Did they just forget to toss a pinch of spilled salt over their shoulders? And the “good” Lord hasn’t done much to stop his protĂ©gĂ©s from polluting every shining seas.”

    Umm–God gave us free will, has tried to teach us how to use it properly, lets us mess ourselves up when we misuse it, offers us a way back when we repent–short of removing our free will, what more can God do?

    God had nothing against the 3000, or anyone else who dies. We all have to die some day. That’s a fact of life. God does help those willing to work with him to die with dignity and hope.

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  28. Th giraffe
    lazygrazer  about 15 years ago

    I’ll bet saying that isn’t the only thing Earl regrets doing out loud.

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  29. Fallsfixed
    FresnoDude  about 15 years ago

    Gopuppy, if his private parts are damaged enough to not pass on his genes, he would qualify for a Darwin Award (see the website for detains) and would be in an unusual category because he did not die to get the award.

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  30. Panic4
    dead.theologians.society  about 15 years ago

    Not wanting to butt in on this talk of disaster and blame thing - but I think this is the set of Bible verses you would want to refer to:

    Luke 13 4 - 5 Or those eighteen who died when the tower in Siloam fell on them—do you think they were more guilty than all the others living in Jerusalem? 5I tell you, no! But unless you repent, you too will all perish.”

    Christ appears to be saying ion context that God in fact did cause the calamity and for a purpose - repentance. That Jesus guy was blunt and tough on folks and doesn’t appear to be that sweet guy some folks think He is. ;-)

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    mjd.kwanyin  about 15 years ago

    wiley, thanks for a funny ‘toon. it put me in mind of my late b-inlaw as he had a problem and he would have loved that one. again thanks.

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  32. New avatar
    MurphyHerself  about 15 years ago

    Tooo funny, guys, Love all the comments and the toon is terrific. Rather says it all.

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    puddleglum1066  about 15 years ago

    If the terror du jour is underwear bombs, people in kilts should be able to bypass screening, right?

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  34. Hawaii5 0girl
    treered  about 15 years ago

    Wiley, 2 thumbs up!

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  35. Ys
    HabaneroBuck  about 15 years ago

    Earl wouldn’t even make a comment like that
Earl’s the type that knows that underwear doesn’t kill people, people kill people.

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    Trebor39  about 15 years ago

    Enough about gastrointestinal problems. This strip is much too gaseous for me!

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    Siberman  about 15 years ago

    “Not wanting to butt in on this talk of disaster and blame thing - but I think this is the set of Bible verses you would want to refer to:

    Luke 13 4 - 5 Or those eighteen who died when the tower in Siloam fell on them—do you think they were more guilty than all the others living in Jerusalem? 5I tell you, no! But unless you repent, you too will all perish.”

    Christ appears to be saying ion context that God in fact did cause the calamity and for a purpose - repentance. That Jesus guy was blunt and tough on folks and doesn’t appear to be that sweet guy some folks think He is. ;-)”

    Wow. Just goes to show you how dangerous Bible software can be in the hands of the willfully ignorant.

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  38. Computerhead
    Spyderred  about 15 years ago

    The number of people posting comments that purport to be explaining God’s state of mind and intent is amazing. Did all that come from a burning bush? Through tin-foil helmets? Seriously, folks, I rather doubt that any of you have a hotline to the Almighty so give up trying to sound like you do.

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    Carolo1  about 15 years ago


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    Carolo1  about 15 years ago


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  41. P 00316s
    James Lindley Premium Member about 15 years ago

    I’ve had good chili do that.

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