Jim Morin for January 24, 2010

  1. Missing large
    comYics  over 14 years ago

    Rich man and Lazurus…again.

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  2. F22 rotation1
    petergrt  over 14 years ago

    Free speech won out, though it is disheartening that 4 justices found it OK, for a government to limit such speech.

    But why the perturbation from the left?

    The vast majority of CEO’s of America’s largest companies are in fact Democrats.

    Indeed, one would be hard pressed to find a conservative political activist amongst the top 10 of wealthiest Americans.

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  3. B3b2b771 4dd5 4067 bfef 5ade241cb8c2
    cdward  over 14 years ago

    What it boils down to is that corporations are now considered individuals as far as free speech is concerned. Hmm, could they be tried as an individual for crimes their corporation commits? Could the entire management of the corporation be sent to prison? That could be interesting. I mean, if you get the rights of an individual, why not the responsibilities?

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  4. Exploding human fat bombs hedge 060110
    Charles Brobst Premium Member over 14 years ago

    It means that the corporations, both American or otherwise, —like Chinese— own America. They will buy legislators who will end all labor rights, consumer safety, taxes on corporations or the rich, abolish the middle class, and reduce our descendants to corporate slaves.

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  5. Cheryl 149 3
    Justice22  over 14 years ago

    Does this remove the spending limits on what an individual may contribute to a campaign too?

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  6. Missing large
    Gladius  over 14 years ago

    Justice, Not yet, but there are signs that those limits will be called into question soon.

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    Jaedabee Premium Member over 14 years ago

    This is truly sad.

    “The vast majority of CEO’s of America’s largest companies are in fact Democrats.”

    Got some facts to back that up or are you just talking out your rear to try and justify what we both know is “I will lower taxes for corporations” === “more money” === Republican support.
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  8. F22 rotation1
    petergrt  over 14 years ago

    So, we are a nation of morons.

    We elect whoever talks the most, and/or the loudest, regardless of substance.

    Well, that is exactly how 0bama got elected.

    The freedom of speech was effectively muffled by the megaphones of MSM as a direct arm of the 0bama / ACORN / unions’ campaign, and the truth fell victim to sloganeering.

    I dare say, that such a travesty shall not happen again.

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  9. F22 rotation1
    petergrt  over 14 years ago


    Name the wealthiest activist Republican / conservative - the lists of America’s wealthiest people are readily available on the Web.


    Then check the political affiliations of America’s top CEO’s - find a Republican, and let us know how many you found. There are a few.

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  10. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 14 years ago

    Roberts has definitely made “free speech” an oxymoron.

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    johndh123  over 14 years ago

    Dr. Canuck “If you really believed that, you’d be screaming bloody murder over the idea that ONLY Democrats get to monopolize the airwaves so only THEY get elected.”

    It seems that the Democrats firstly had the 3 major networks tilting the discussion to the left. Then along came Air America. To use that consumer jargon “we ain’t buying it!” The 3 major networks found a skeptical audience as well as Air America, having now gone belly up. (Nice that there was still a forum available for previously unemployed Al Franken now as a senator from Minnesota) Thus the emergence of that hateful, right-wing mouthpiece known as Fox thus the handful of right-wing programs to skewer the real world. Steep in your own self-satisfied juices of your dogmatic view of America (either you ‘get it’ or you are a bigoted, hypocritical, xenophopic, homophobic right-winger!)

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  12. Cheryl 149 3
    Justice22  over 14 years ago

    I found out years ago that money is the only way to be heard in Washington. If you want the ear of your Congressman or Senator, you had better contribute to his/her campaign. The more you contribute, the more he/she listens.

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  13. Missing large
    Libertarian1  over 14 years ago

    Somehow those who oppose corporations having free speech rights find it acceptable when the New York Times Corporation and the Washington Post Corporation uses their pages to promote their favorite causes and candidates. Why exactly should the NYT Corporation have more rights than Pfizer Corporation or the Washington Post Corporation have more rights than Exxon Corporation? Even the authors of the Bill of Rights listed freedom of speech before freedom of the press.

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  14. Missing large
    Libertarian1  over 14 years ago

    “DrCanuck wrote: If you really believed that, you’d be screaming bloody murder over the idea that ONLY Democrats get to monopolize the airwaves so only THEY get elected.”

    You are unfortunately totally misunderstanding the complaints we had about the campaign finance law. All we ask is a fair playing field. We may lose but it hurts when the basketball referee has bets for then other side.

    If the CEOs fund Democrats and free speech, more power to them. My job is to try and convince the public of the issues and our approach to solving the problems the country faces. It is when the government prevents free speech that we complain. Why is the left so frightened of free speech?

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  15. Barnegat2
    annamargaret1866  over 14 years ago

    human, I realize it’s a typo, but when I saw “corporate adds”, I thought, “corporate adds to politicians’ bank accounts. :-)

    cdward, wouldn’t that be nice?

    Is it legal for corporations to donate to members of the Supreme Court? I mean, obviously I know that the justices are appointed, but can they be bought too?

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  16. Avatar201803 salty
    Jaedabee Premium Member over 14 years ago

    I like this line: “Denouncing court rulings because they invalidate laws one likes is what the Right often does (see how they reflexively and immediately protest every state court ruling invaliding opposite-sex-only marriage laws without bothering to even read about the binding precedents), and that behavior is irrational in the extreme”

    My issue isn’t with corporations, my issue is with churches. They already fund, illegally, campaigns and legislature, almost exclusively for any right wingnut who paints a bullseye on LGBT people. And now they can contribute even more money. And still not get taxed for it. At least corporations [of which I consider many churches] can be held accountable for their activities. Loving it.

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  17. John adams1
    Motivemagus  over 14 years ago

    “One would be hard pressed to find a conservative political activist amongst the top 10 of wealthiest Americans.” Nice try. Inserting the word “activist” only means they are open and public about their activities. Even then you are wrong. Michael Bloomberg was a Republican politician until 2007; Charles Koch cofounded the Cato Institute.

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  18. Avatar201803 salty
    Jaedabee Premium Member over 14 years ago

    Sodomy - Sodomy (pronounced /ˈsɒdəmi/) is a term used today predominantly in law (derived from traditional Christian usage) to describe the act of anal sex, oral sex, or zoophilia.

    The one here who needs to get a grip is you. You believe that a sexual orientation is relegated merely to a sexual act that isn’t even UNIQUE to homosexual individuals (HETEROSEXUAL PEOPLE conduct anal & oral sex as well as beastiality). You are the one who is so far removed from reality to believe that your primitive views of homosexuality justify the banning/withholding/and removal of what you QUOTED in your previous post on on SOTU: “EQUALITY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL.” You are the kind of crazy nutjob who campaigns in Michigan saying that a trans individual should not be allowed to change their ID because of your “principles” when the law already protects and allows these individuals to do so, claiming that it’s to “prevent men in dresses from using the women’s restroom.” A completely absurd notion that hasn’t been reported EVER especially not by any state that upholds these protections, and that wouldn’t stop it from happening anyway because a driver’s license isn’t required to use the restroom… but hey, you most likely believe that this “principle” should be upheld at the risk of the lives of these very at-risk individuals. This is precisely the crazy, lethally dangerous, psychotic, removed from reality, bigoted politics that the Right does, and you fund it with the church, illegally. But the right doesn’t complain about things like this, though the second someone calls them out on breaking the law, they’ll be the first to complain. But let’s get one thing straight, there’s no similarity between you and I. Whereas I feel that someone shouldn’t be fired for offering someone a Christian blessing when they’re a nurse, I can bet you’re the first one to stand up and say “I hope they burn in hell, damned sinner” when a gay person gets fired.
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  19. Missing large
    Libertarian1  over 14 years ago


    Bloomberg was a liberal Democrat when he realized he couldn’t win the Mayoralty running as a Democrat. He turned Republican and has spent $300M winning the elections. He is still a liberal Democrat with whatever title you wish to call him.

    Cato is a Libertarian think tank. They opposed George Bush and criticized McCain. Cato is opposed to laws criminalizing recreational drugs, is pro-gay marriage, opposes criminalizing victimless crimes, opposes censorship, is pro free speech. Hardly opinions of conservatives.

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  20. Missing large
    comYics  over 14 years ago

    Wow. No Bible hater comments. Im surprised.

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    burenar  over 14 years ago

    All I read about in these comments are how bad corporations are and how they will now dictate how an election will go. This ruling also applied to unions, yet I read no comments about how they will put the screws to the voters. I guess it’s alright to restrict corporate spending on elections, but not unions?

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  22. Avatar201803 salty
    Jaedabee Premium Member over 14 years ago

    “And if and when you get Girl Government to start jailing us, fining us, arresting us, killing us, all you’ll do is prove what we’ve been saying about you all along: that you are sick, evil people Hell-bent on oppressing everyone who refuses to capitulate to your selfish, destructive whims.”

    I loved this comment, I really really did. American Christians, as we speak, are crafting laws to jail, arrest, and kill LGBT individuals and I can draw up SO many incidents in America of LGBT individuals who are dragged into the streets and killed by you lunatics simply for being BORN who they are (again, there’s no CHRISTIAN gene, you aren’t born religious). Every 3 days a trans individual is killed because one of you psychotic lunatics thinks you are judge, jury, and executioner and have the right to execute your “divine justice” by ridding the world of one of these poor individuals who are born differently and simply want to be left alone and live in peace and enjoy the same rights and freedoms the law provides.

    You provide ABSOLUTELY no defense for the ILLEGAL activity of churches! This is a common Conservative-Right wing practice, that it is OKay to break the law so long as it is done in your favor. You commonly talk about ACORN as if it is some corrupt institution performing illegal activity and then you parade around in your hypocrisy while churches interfere with legislation and politics, which are, by their TAX EXEMPTION STATUS, illegal. They are not individuals, they are religious organizations. Again, you are quick to quote the law when you think it’s in your favor, but you hush and defend ILLEGAL BEHAVIOR the second your HYPOCRISY is called out! Is that why there’s a “Conservapedia?” Because you are so divorced from reality (oh, did I use the word divorce, which is higher among Christian families?) that you have to redefine it to match your warped views? Shouldn’t you go back to the caves and drag women off by their hair off to do what you want with them, since that’s about equivalent with your views of women to begin with, things beneath you that are merely there to serve you and have no will or say of their own?

    I wonder what your fear is. I bet you think that because homosexual couples cannot naturally have children (hey, weird, neither can MANY heterosexual couples) that we must breed by spreading our “gay magic” to unwanting perfectly moral straight people like some kind of plague. I hear if you hold your breath when you’re in the same room as a gay person you won’t catch it. But then you have to know whom all of the gay people are in a room, because you seem to think we’re all so easily defined – Oh hey, I know, we’re just sitting in a room sodomizing one another. In fact, that’s what I’m doing RIGHT NOW!! Just so you can identify me! I think of sodomy ALL the time, it’s my LIFE. I’m a completely godless moral-less person and I only WISH I could be as pure and straight as everyone else (oh wait, “there is a God because Scott Brown was elected,” Scott Brown posed nude for a magazine, and crazy Mark Sanford was off in Argentina, amazing family values, all of them!). Did you know by reading my text you’re getting more gay – bisexual in my case? It’s viral, you’ll need to get an anti-gay scanner from a Conservative Website at a cost of $400 a CD in order to get rid of it. But wait, software is written by Liberals, these people who study science and math in order to learn how to manipulate the flow of electrons through a machine, these magical things that DEFY NATURE at its very core! God is against the use of machines. That means that by using a computer and especially the Internet, you’re gay. My gosh, my power is infinite.
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  23. Img000002
    kissnow  over 14 years ago

    like I said we are being taxed to death do us part and after death. welcome to the USA

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  24. Avatar201803 salty
    Jaedabee Premium Member over 14 years ago

    As for the “Wow, no Bible bashing” comment, I have no reason to bash the Bible. I was raised Christian and I still believe in it being a sacred book. I would not insult it like I would not insult the sacred texts of any other religion. I know how to respect others, unlike scottfreitas, who has no respect for anyone who isn’t in lock-step with his own views on everything.

    That being said I don’t think everything in it applies to now. Just as MANY Christians will readily say that “eating shellfish, wearing two types of cloth, sewing two types of seed in the same plot” among other things were “for the times” I think that the view of homosexuality is driven by a bunch of homophobic men. Just like women are equal in the eyes of the Lord, the book was written by men and thus women are seen unfavorably.

    Difference of views. Except I can respect the differences others have, as long as they don’t try to force theirs on me and wield the law against me by denying me fundamental inalienable rights.

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  25. Avatar201803 salty
    Jaedabee Premium Member over 14 years ago

    We continue: SC Republicans are reviving a bill about dating violence including making information and such available to parents, etc.. Sounds like a good bill, right? Oh wait, there’s a clause written in there explicitly excluding LGBT teenagers. The bill was tabled by resistance by the legislature’s more sane members but is currently being revived by the psychos on the Right. This is the same state with the “Family Values” governor running off to Argentina and the Lt. Governor with Charity issues. But hey, let’s attack those evil LGBT people, amirite?

    This state ain’t too far from the state with the eugenics plan against LGBTs that was used as the model by Hitler for killing the Jews. So far I’m not seeing any of this “LGBT people plotting to kill all of the Christians” scott, all I’m seeing in REALITY is a bunch of crazed nutjobs pointing guns and law at LGBT people. Besides, you’re the people with the guns. Any gun-removal legislation coming down the pipe? Not seeing any. Again, reality. There’s the real world, which I’m pointing out, and the little imaginary bubbles that you blow, called “Conserviality.”

    Did you also know that homosexuality and pedophilia have absolutely nothing in common? There’s no link. Same with Bestiality. Did you know the Catholic church funded a study to prove the link between pedophilia and homosexuality and NONE WAS FOUND? Yet during the Prop 8 trial (of which televising was banned by people on the Right because they feared the truth) one witness for Prop 8 stated that Homosexual individuals were 12 times more likely to molest children. When he was asked to provide documentation of this he couldn’t. Conserviality vs. Reality.

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  26. Reagan ears
    d_legendary1  over 14 years ago

    Way to kick @$$ Jae’da.

    I didn’t know Rush Limbaugh, Matt Fudge, Michael Savage, and all those farbissener Goys out there in radio land were democrats.

    Check your facts dudes. Radio is owned mostly by Clear Channel so obviously you’ll get is a bunch of right wingers convincing you fools that the media has a left bias.

    Just imagine listening to the radio telling you that television is left wing, the t.v. is telling you that the radio is left wing, and the newspapers telling you that the other two mediums are left wing.


    Proof that Ivan Pavlov’s experiments also work on people.

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  27. Reagan ears
    d_legendary1  over 14 years ago

    @Gladuis I told you Brett Favre was a loser.

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  28. Reagan ears
    d_legendary1  over 14 years ago

    @Churchill Your article misses the point and that is that free speech= money. Your article’s argument is solely based on the first amendment.

    “Are you opposed to someone else’s opinion? Though!”

    Since when do inanimate objects like corporations have free speech? Nothing in that op-ed explains that minor detail. You can make a case if you bring up corporate person hood, but your piece clearly says that it does not believe in corporate person hood, effectively killing its argument.

    Also it does not make light of the type of speeches that are outlawed: For example yelling “FIRE”, in a crowded theater or walking up to someone in a law enforcement uniform and telling them, “I’m gonna kick your @$$”. Try it out. See if that type of speech is protected under the first amendment.

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  29. Missing large
    Libertarian1  over 14 years ago

    ^ actually there is nothing wrong with yelling fire in a crowded theater if there is a fire. What is wrong is to -falsely- yell fire…

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  30. 1107121618000
    CorosiveFrog Premium Member over 14 years ago

    If we wanted to kill every zealot christian, we would have done it long ago by saying that you can catch homosexuality by breathing the same air as gay people, we would have lot of christian suffocations.

    By the way, righties, I didn’t made fun of God, I made fun of you, and in case you are wondering, YOU ARE NOT GOD.

    More seriously, we all heard the story of the hermaphrodite South African athlete. She’s just one of many, many people born that way, since the beginning of time.

    The anti-gay paradigm is that people are all born either men or women, one of two flavors, no mix possible. That women were made to breed with men, men were made to breed with women. One or the other, both physically and mentally. We always thought the physical body was ultimate evidence of gender. Until recently, we thought if you were a woman, you had to act a certain way, and another way if you’re a man. But now, the physical body itself is ambiguous. DNA itself doesn’t always come in the classical XX or XY flavor either.

    Are you righties gonna refute those cases as “freaks”, are you gonna say they are mutants sent by the Devil or created by an evil gay laboratory?

    Yet those people were created by God and are there for a purpose.

    To me, that’s a proof that even though only a couple made by a man and a woman can be fertile (if they are lucky), there is more to a person’s life than just being a fertile sheep for the Big Man. Gender identity doesn’t come in black and white but in a rainbow of colors manichean bronze-age religions can’t understand.

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  31. F22 rotation1
    petergrt  over 14 years ago

    “Nice try. Inserting the word “activist” only means they are open and public about their activities. Even then you are wrong. Michael Bloomberg was a Republican politician until 2007; Charles Koch cofounded the Cato Institute.”

    I am not going to belabor your choices - ably discredited above, but it is indicative of the falsehood, that most of the wealthiest people in America are Republicans.

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  32. Reagan ears
    d_legendary1  over 14 years ago

    Sorry I should have added that the “fire” was non-existent. The point is that it would still result in the ballon boy’s dad type of treatment.

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  33. Missing large
    comYics  over 14 years ago

    Well Jae’da, Im glad you responded. I wasn’t expecting a response.

    Though, I happen to believe the entire Holy Bible is just as good and straight forward and true as it was before time began. The Holy bible will remain a way of instruction, direction, law and how to fulfill each of them, yesterday, today and forever. Love was and is and always will be the only thing that sums goodness.Love of God, The Creator, and Love of our neighbor.

    Men having sex with other men, women having sex with other women, is only a lustful act of selfish. self pleasing mentality which there is too much in the world today. I believe it can better presented to some that those following Christs’ ways aren’t condemning those that perform those acts so much as condemning the actual “act”. That is how come we each have a judgement day to look forward to. The ones following Christs’ ways are full aware that men having sex with other men and women having sex with other women isn’t of God, that is some of the reason Sodom and Gomorah was destroyed. Lust is not Love.

    Therefore lust does not abide in the Law, the Law itself is against lust, regardless of sexual orientation.

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  34. Chongyang 重阳
    mhenriday  over 14 years ago

    Nice cartoon !…


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