The Boondocks by Aaron McGruder for June 14, 2022
Principal: Mrs. Peterson, this new student - Riley Freeman - he's one bad kid. Are you sure you're up to it? Mrs. Peterson: Sir, I worked in three maximum-security prisons as a corrections officer before I became a teacher. Principal: Really? Mrs. Peterson: And before that I was nun. Principal: Terrific! Could you tell me more about those women's prisons? Mrs. Peterson: Excuse me?!
djtenltd over 2 years ago
Sounds like she’s been around a few corners.
Ellis97 over 2 years ago
A nun? That would explain a lot.
christelisbetty over 2 years ago
She lost both positions,for being over enthusiastic, discipline-wise.
1JennyJenkins over 2 years ago
That conversation right there is an example of negative streaming. The principal and the teacher are creating an action plan based on a file, without having met the child and the parents…
David Rickard Premium Member over 2 years ago
The principal better be careful—she might still have her rosary and ruler.
phoenixnyc over 2 years ago
Truth: I fear nuns like I fear no man on earth.
hubbard3188 over 2 years ago
guys. always the same. ssdd.