Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for July 31, 2014

  1. B986e866 14d0 4607 bdb4 5d76d7b56ddb
    Templo S.U.D.  over 10 years ago

    What picky customers. Learn from them, T.J., maybe business will be kept afloat.

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  2. Mouse5
    ORMouseworks  over 10 years ago

    You need to be in a different neighborhood, TJ. Preferably, one a 1,000 miles from here… ;)

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    sukiec  over 10 years ago

    Location, location, location also applies for food trucks

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    JayBluE  over 10 years ago

    “You Put The Sublime In The Coconut” (♫)“On The Beaten Pathos”“Health Food Kick Done Kiicked You Back”“No One To Take Your Tempura-ture” “Lollipops Are For Suckas”“Gonna Fly Like A Butterfly Shrimp”or “Don’t It Make My Brown Rice Blue?” (♫)

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  5. Mouse5
    ORMouseworks  over 10 years ago

    Not so sure about grilled snow peas…they just might taste good! ;)

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  6. Ted4th
    seismic-2 Premium Member over 10 years ago

    One word, TJ: “Peru”. Land of opportunity, for used-up “Luann” characters!

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    cdemattos  over 10 years ago

    I think he just answered his own question from a couple of days ago as to why his biz was not doing well.

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  8. Mouse5
    ORMouseworks  over 10 years ago

    Re: yesterday’s post…what a silly little book! (Big Grin). You know, I wouldn’t get ticked about you not answering me right away! I think I remember you saying something about having to figure out your taxes…I’ve seen people look at 2 computer screens, but 3?! All at the same time?! YIKES! =-O

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  9. Mouse5
    ORMouseworks  over 10 years ago

    Someday Greg Might let us in on Gunther and Rosa’s new lives, but I don’t think it will be anytime soon! ;)

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  10. Mouse5
    ORMouseworks  over 10 years ago

    Re: TJ parking out in the boonies…hahahaha! ;)

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  11. Fb img 1492228790255
    JayBluE  over 10 years ago

    Got it… return mail…

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  12. Mouse5
    ORMouseworks  over 10 years ago

    India Indian food? Too spicy! =-O

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  13. Fb img 1492228790255
    JayBluE  over 10 years ago

    Actually, who knows? Greg said he was “trimming the roster” in prep for this fall’s new college quest. They may have a “one-off” like you said, but in my estimation, a couple more are ‘movin’ "….

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    melmarsh9v  over 10 years ago

    What the kid says in the third panel could have come from a great many readers of this strip!

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    David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen  over 10 years ago

    Why are any of us here?So we wouldn’t be there.

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  16. Fb img 1492228790255
    JayBluE  over 10 years ago

    Left more than one…. was having trouble with the green button…

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  17. Mouse5
    ORMouseworks  over 10 years ago

    Especially not at the TJMahal!!! LOL (Actually, curry and I do Not get along…) ;)

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    melmarsh9v  over 10 years ago

    Someone yesterday said something about TJ relocating the business to where he came from, that being Argentina. Fine idea…

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  19. Mouse5
    ORMouseworks  over 10 years ago

    Not even for a free message… (and, it’ll only put me to sleep LOL)! ;)

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  20. Mouse5
    ORMouseworks  over 10 years ago

    Place marker…BBSoon… ;)

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    Angelalex242  over 10 years ago

    It’s odd that Master Salesman TJ is so insistent on offering customers a healthy diet. At Weenie World, he owned Anne in every way.

    So what speck of inner goodness within him made him go on a personal crusade against obesity?

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    kenhense  over 10 years ago

    Same thing with movies: They all have to have a bad guy with fangs, a couple of sight gags, a F#*! scene, a car chase and a barrage of gunfire at the end.

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  23. Fb img 1492228790255
    JayBluE  over 10 years ago

    Two more for the road….

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    melmarsh9v  over 10 years ago

    In case anyone missed it, here’s what I mentioned yesterday: “If TJ is not being written out now, he will be after Brad & Toni get married. Most of the time, a guy’s friends start drifting away when he “settles down” with a woman.” The guy has outlived his usefulness as Brad’s crony, sidekick, companion, or whatever else you chose to call him.

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  25. Mouse5
    ORMouseworks  over 10 years ago

    Hahahahah! ;)

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    melmarsh9v  over 10 years ago

    A few weeks ago, I postulated a hypothetical scenario which I’d like to think seems plausible. Crystal gets a job as a bartender/cocktail waitress at a night club, They hire Knute to be a janitor (“swamper” in bar lingo), and Ox gets a job as the bouncer.

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  27. Ann margaret
    Caldonia  over 10 years ago

    Pardon me, sir, but do you have any Grey Poupon? No? Driver, let’s leave this philistine at once.

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  28. Mouse5
    ORMouseworks  over 10 years ago

    I’ve been burning the candle at both ends! Time to find IS Katie and go off to bed! ’Nite all! ;)-————————————————————————-“Something is rotten in the state of Denmark.”(“Hamlet” by Wm. Shakespeare, 1564-1616)

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  29. 7b1
    SackofRabidWeasels  over 10 years ago

    Because Greg Evans has nothing for him, but he’s not pretty enough to be an Aaron Hill clone?

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  30. Woody with beer
    WoodEye  over 10 years ago

    He’ll find his place.. and it might be in Longmont, CO on a Monday night.

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  31. Nathalie choux black sheep 2
    SactoSylvia  over 10 years ago

    It sounds like TJ should be in the catering business rather than the food truck business. As to why he’s there… he helped Brad transition from living with his parents to sort of living on his own, which we hope will eventually transition to Brad living with Toni.

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    ErrorMessage  over 10 years ago

    Oh TJ… move your truck to a location where your menu will fit… you could benefit from a bit of market research. Lucky for you that your business is mobile :)

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  33. Avatar 20819 stop sign
    Cronkers McGee  Premium Member over 10 years ago

    A change is coming TJ’s way. Stay tuned.

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  34. Thinker
    Sisyphos  over 10 years ago

    Change your silly menu, TJ, to some things people actually want to eat and drink! It’s no wonder your business is flopping badly.

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  35. Spideychuck
    sleeepy2  over 10 years ago

    So, this is the first food truck these people have ever seen?

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    LouEthelip  over 10 years ago

    I’m starting to wonder if T.J. has bothered to post on his van a menu of what he offers so he stops getting these people who are asking,“Do yhou have………”

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  37. The rings
    Liam Astle Premium Member over 10 years ago

    Because the writer has no idea what to do with TJ.

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  38. The rings
    Liam Astle Premium Member over 10 years ago

    It’s days like this that TJ regrets forcing Ann Eifel to quit Weeine World which would lead to her suicide. How he misses those days of torturing her.

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  39. Endu
    Endunamoo  over 10 years ago

    You are in the wrong location buddy, you need to go to more upscale work areas.

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    rshive  over 10 years ago

    Bad location.

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    thebigboot  over 10 years ago

    So how many more days are we going to follow Captain moron, Mr good business man who apparently didn’t research the market but just saw a quick buck?

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    nickel_penny   over 10 years ago

    Maybe he’d have better luck if he had a menu on the side of the truck, instead of making people guess at what’s available…

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  43. Dexter 64x64
    2Goldfish  over 10 years ago

    Come on… most all food trucks put their menu right on the side of the truck so the customers don’t waste time asking stupid questions about what’s on the menu.

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  44. 1d688314 6dae 4f59 9de1 8d7ec2824944
    Mordock999 Premium Member over 10 years ago

    Hey Now! I love Popcorn Shrimp AND Snow Peas, though not together.

    There Used to be this Restaurant back in 80’s called Darryl’s that featured Meatloaf with Mashed Potatoes and Gravy and Snow Peas! And We’d Wash it Down with Strawberry Daiquiris!

    GOOD Times!! (Sigh)

    ….., But I STILL Wouldn’t BUY anything from THIS Grinning Jackanape….,

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  45. Nermal
    Willow Mt Lyon  over 10 years ago

    TJ, the ice cream truck is suppose to be at the kiddie park, not roach coaches. I’ll have some grilled snow peas, but hold the popcorn shrimp. I’ll also have a grilled ear of corn. Hold the butter. A veggie burger in a wheat bun. Hold the pickle, please. Ah, yummy.

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  46. Flip
    Terrywoebegone  over 10 years ago


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  47. Other7 brush
    Meh~tdology, fka Pepelaputr   over 10 years ago

    Go where the Yuppies are.Moony U.!

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  48. Downloadfile
    Guilty Bystander  over 10 years ago

    TJ needs to move to Portland, Oregon, the food cart capital of America.

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    Dan Dwyer  over 10 years ago

    TJ your in the wrong neighborhood with that kind of menu.

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    BillH77  over 10 years ago

    T.J. could have a career as a cook for Michelle Obama. He could have the government mandate the eating of food people don’t like.

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  51. Other7 brush
    Meh~tdology, fka Pepelaputr   over 10 years ago

    Mordock999 is hoping for a propane tank explosion to kill off TJ and bring Brad and Toni together.

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  52. Other7 brush
    Meh~tdology, fka Pepelaputr   over 10 years ago
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  53. Hlnr new avatar
    the_terrible  over 10 years ago


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  54. Nermal
    Willow Mt Lyon  over 10 years ago

    Can I have the brown rice and tofu wrap with snow peas, chives and carrots included included with the brown rice and tofu, please? Is the wrap made with wheat or rice flour? I would like soy sauce instead of teriyaki sauce.

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  55. Other7 brush
    Meh~tdology, fka Pepelaputr   over 10 years ago

    TJ definitely needs that menu board instead of paying twenty questions with every potential customer Now, how about a nice Hawaiian Punch ?

     •  Reply
  56. Other7 brush
    Meh~tdology, fka Pepelaputr   over 10 years ago

    “maybe it’s an anagram "-—————————————————-I get Cool lo cal meat bat tie, then a bunch of left-over vowels like I always have in Scrabble .

     •  Reply
  57. Missing large
    lmonteros  over 10 years ago

    The point of gourmet food trucks is that several park in the same location, like a mobile food court, so each one doesn’t have to offer a broad selections. Trucks that offer a broad selection are called catering trucks.

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  58. Missing large
    TORAD_07  over 10 years ago

    Interesting. Karen has already admitted that she can barely draw stick figures, but you could be right. Who knows…

    Well, if we’re talking about “drawing,” then maybe not “Karen,” but maybe Greg’s grandson (i.e. the one who’s mother Greg and his wife gave up for adoption)… He’s supposed to have a talent for art/drawing and may have expressed interest in assuming that role for the strip, once Greg decides to retire.

    But I don’t think that (drawing) is what we’re talking about, anyway… :-)

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  59. Other7 brush
    Meh~tdology, fka Pepelaputr   over 10 years ago

    Brad has always been the jealous type around Toni .

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    thebigboot  over 10 years ago

    Or maybe this is when it hits him this is the same BS he put Ann Eifel through, and comes to the realization he was just a psychopath who’s sole purpose was to destroy someone who expected Brad to work when on the clock. He goes to apologize for what he’s done and they build a successful business.

    Oh wait, that would make sense.

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  61. Missing large
    TORAD_07  over 10 years ago

    I have been thinking about TJ’s purpose here. I also remember Sheriff mentioning that there would be turbulence or turmoil involving Brad and Toni’s wedding. I wonder if TJ will have a part in that.

    I don’t think so. It was Greg himself that said “Fans should expect some ‘drama & trauma’ in re: the wedding.” I’ve been among those that think it will have something to do either with Shannon,and her “custodial status” (i.e. Jonah dumping Shannon on them at the last minute), or some other kind of emergency that disrupts the ceremony before its completion (i.e. Brad and/or Toni being called into work a huge fire or something)… but, eventually, they will be married. No, I don’t think TJ is “asexual,” but I also don’t think he’d stand in Brad/Toni’s way, either. He’s had tons of opportunities to do it already and hasn’t, yet.

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  62. Underdog
    ACTIVIST1234  over 10 years ago

    1) We know TJ is a good cook, according to his friends— who would be tought customers.2) We know TJ is a good salesman, according to his track record at WW.*Therefore, this arc either shows a serious discontinuity by the writer or else TJ is in a deep depression and unable to function normally.*And Gary 13, I agree, I LOVE TJ and AE— please let them at least make cameo appearances!

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    melmarsh9v  over 10 years ago

    Yes, I saw on the Evans website. His grandson wants to do artwork on the strip in the future. It also said that Karen Evans admits to having inherited no artistic ability whatsoever.

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  64. Underdog
    ACTIVIST1234  over 10 years ago

    “Call a cab, Louie.”*Maybe it’s the sound of an explosion— Kablooey! Is his truck heavily insured?

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  65. Mouse5
    ORMouseworks  over 10 years ago

    I like the tune, “Popcorn Shrimp Boats Are A-Comin’” Hahahahah! ;)

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  66. Mouse5
    ORMouseworks  over 10 years ago

    Re: Agra-culture…Nope LOL! ;)

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    thebigboot  over 10 years ago

    In an alternate universe where sitting with one’s girlfriend on the clock counts as working.

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  68. Mouse5
    ORMouseworks  over 10 years ago

    I don’t think there will be “something” between TJ and Toni…Toni’s a class act and TJ is not… Of course, there’s Brad, but he isn’t a slinky (insert your word here)… ;)

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  69. Mouse5
    ORMouseworks  over 10 years ago

    “…harbinger of things to come.” Somehow I don’t think so…too weird… ;)

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  70. Mouse5
    ORMouseworks  over 10 years ago

    Hopefully, I’ll be here tonight. I’ve a nasty backache from carting a full, large water bucket up and down some outside stairs yesterday. Don’t ask LOL Oh, IS Katie is awake, so no sleeping for her! I suspect she’ll take a nice nap in awhile…sounds nice, that! It Is hot out! and dry as a bone with a little humidity… ;)-————————————————————————-“They died to save their country and they only saved the world” (G. K. Chesterton, 1874-1936)

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  71. Missing large
    melmarsh9v  over 10 years ago

    One man’s opinion (not a prediction)— On the subject of “drama” and “trauma” connected to the marriage of Brad & Toni, it would seem perfectly logical for it to involve Jonah and Shannon in some way. Many readers might want to see Dirk causing complications, but there is evidence that he has moved on with his life. As far as TJ’s role, he might be one of Brad’s groomsmen, but that’s all. And by the way, when was the last time Jonah was seen in the strip?

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  72. Missing large
    melmarsh9v  over 10 years ago

    Brad and Toni have both matured since they got involved with each other. On the other hand, TJ has really not changed over the years; he has gotten older, but not much different in character.

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  73. Ted4th
    seismic-2 Premium Member over 10 years ago

    After Toni and Brad get married, can they take a job offer as fire department captains in Peru? For many years, a source of humor in the strip was the inevitable familial conflict between a pre-teen girl and her total schlub of an older brother. With Luann’s now becoming an adult and with Brad getting married and spending his time with his own new family, there’s really no purpose for him in the strip now.

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  74. Missing large
    melmarsh9v  over 10 years ago

    Again, on the subject of Brad & Toni’s wedding, it would be interesting to find out more about Jonah’s old girlfriend. A while back, Toni told Brad that, after he death of her (and Jonah’s) parents, Jonah got “wild,” meeting a woman (Shannon’s mother) who was even wilder. When she disappeared, Jonah was left with the kid. As far as I can remember, that was all Toni told Brad about the incident.

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  75. Missing large
    melmarsh9v  over 10 years ago

    It is possible that after all the hoopla surrounding Brad & Toni’s wedding, they will settle down into a routine existence of work, home and family, before being gradually eased into the background. They would not be written out, but they might only be seen once or so a year, like at Christmas or Easter.The title is “Luann,” and the major emphasis should be on her own life, as irrational as it may be. I am eagerly hoping for some great developments when she begins college life.

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  76. Black lace 9 edited 1
    Sangelia  over 10 years ago

    TJ, you are selling hippie/yuppie foods. Try a down town metro area. Rare to find a small town that has yuppies in it. They tend to migrate to the bigger cities. The bigger the city the more you’ll find them.

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    Editman  over 10 years ago

    Am I the only one who thinks of FBOFW when someone mentions Shannon?

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