Cathy Classics by Cathy Guisewite for February 27, 2010
The 6-step anti-aging skin care system... The bonus fillers, firmers and exfoliators... The 200 must-try mini samples... All the advances in cosmetics now make it possible for women of all ages to have the exact same looks An extremely youthful bathroom drawer. Mom: That looks just like it did when you were 18!!
ejcapulet almost 15 years ago
I thought the point of cosmetics and creams and all that stuff was so we could look like we’re 23 for as long as humanly possible.
funnyfan928 almost 15 years ago
When I was 18, my drawer had Noxzema, anti-acne cream, and my warpaint and it wasn’t anywhere near as overloaded as Cathy’s is.
Fierce almost 15 years ago
Agreed funnyfan928. Good morning all..
pearlandpeach almost 15 years ago
at 18, the real Neiman Marcus kept me in line.
wonderful shopping and fabulous window shopping.
lightenup Premium Member almost 15 years ago
You better start using them before they expire, Cathy. I think I started using face creme at 18, but it was more for moisturizing than anything.
puddleglum1066 almost 15 years ago
Gweedo, funnyfan–wouldn’t it be a lot more interesting and fun if people really did wear war paint instead of just trying to look like plastic mannequins? (Well, I think it’d be more fun…)
-DukeNukem- almost 15 years ago
When we were young, we used my mother’s makeup for war paint. Other than having to buy new makeup, she always ended up having a good laugh when she saw what a good job we did painting ourselves up from head to toe like Indian warriors.
mrslukeskywalker almost 15 years ago
With all those samples, why is she buying more?
RinaFarina almost 15 years ago
Cathy is a compulsive shopper, which actually is not so bad. What’s bad is that she’s also a compulsive purchaser.
SnowBunny12 over 8 years ago
Problem with samples is that they only have a day or two worth of product in them and it takes a month or two to really see results. So samples are kind of a waste.