FoxTrot by Bill Amend for August 24, 2014
Dr. Ting: Welcome back to school, everyone. My name is Dr. Ting and I'll be your biology teacher this year. Before we get started, I'm curious if any of you happen to know where the word "biology" comes from, anyone? No? It comes from the Greek word "bios," which means "knowledge most awesome," and the Greek suffix "logy," which means "gained through effort and focus." Basically it means "I have cool things to teach you, but you'll have to pay attention in class and do lots of homework." Shall we begin? Please open your textbooks to page 2, and - Paige: Sir? on page 1 it says "biology" means "the study of life." Dr. Ting: I said page 2, did I not just emphasize paying attention?
Jackie.Trades over 10 years ago
Damn Fascist Teachers
markzwaan over 10 years ago
Great song. I just found out it was written by Albert Hammond and Mike Hazlewood.
Crabbyrino Premium Member over 10 years ago
Paige is learning a valuable lesson: Do as “da man”say, don’t be a rabble-rouser or independent thinker.
zeimetr over 10 years ago
Is that Dilbert sitting in front of Paige? Sure looks like that might be him when he was in High School.
Kroykali over 10 years ago
“Lots of homework” – what teachers give when they are too lazy to teach during class.
Chithing Premium Member over 10 years ago
I still have that LP. There are some…interesting songs on it.
joat520 over 10 years ago
@Al S.does anyone know where the color footage inGimmie Dat Ding comes from?
JR6019 over 10 years ago
I think some people are missing the point here. You seem to think the teacher is being a tyrant who doesn’t want the students to have independent thoughts on the subject. I see him as a man desperately trying to get distracted teenagers to pay attention and get genuinely interested in the subject. And I think his definition of biology is as correct as the textbook definition, better even. Also, the idea that you need to learn, then unlearn, to find the truth is a valid one, but seems more appropriate to history, sociology, or economics than basic biology.
JoeChill68 over 10 years ago
Looks like some Ting’s wrong.
neverenoughgold over 10 years ago
I think Mr. “Ting tang walla walla bing bang” has a long year ahead…
griffon8 over 10 years ago
They don’t want good education. They say they do, but they don’t.What they actually want is schools that teach people to accept authority without thinking.
puddleglum1066 over 10 years ago
I don’t think Finland does standardized testing either (for those who wonder how Finland can then have any rank internationally, the answer is that the international assessments of school performance are not part of the standarized test system we so love in the US).
I mention this because of one of the Laws of Bureaucracy: time you spend measuring progress is time you spend not making any. Stability is achieved when you spend all your time measuring the zero progress you are making. American schools are getting pretty close to stability.
laurac5800 over 10 years ago
Nice JOB Paige, you saw through a teacher’s lie! Now no one will pay attention to him or believe him!
markjoseph125 over 10 years ago
Nicely summarizes pretty much every statement made by a conservative. I think it has to do with their almost complete disconnect from reality.
phoenixnyc over 10 years ago
My 9th grade bio teacher was the only man on earth who could make sexual reproduction sound boring to a bunch of teenagers..It embarrasses me to admit that it took me until my 40s before I realized that was probably deliberate.
laurac5800 over 10 years ago
What’s greek for “Nice Try?”
toluwanio12 over 10 years ago
The teacher is a retard
my name is super creative almost 5 years ago
is this not fraud? lying about what you should know if you are going to work as a biologist, that would be pretty embarrassed if your co-worker asked you what biology meant and you said this
Josequeen over 3 years ago
Dang, her biology teacher is cool!
1800 over 3 years ago
Doesn’t Bios mean a computer component?
erikdiamond about 1 year ago
Not unless you admit your mistake with what the word, “biology” actually mean. Now, let us go back to page one and review the term again, shall we, “teacher”?