wise bartender - a complete conversation stopper.
Sliding into Chuck’s or Morris’s bar?
Pearl, you’re so right - it’s a perfect line for a bartender to use, not only to cut off the kvetching but to teach the Professor a lesson.
It took me two heartbeats to get this, but once I did, I love it. Very elegant joke.
Corey Pandolph
April 22, 2016
June 04, 2017
August 12, 2017
November 22, 2017
pearlandpeach about 15 years ago
wise bartender - a complete conversation stopper.
clix about 15 years ago
Sliding into Chuck’s or Morris’s bar?
avonsalis about 15 years ago
Pearl, you’re so right - it’s a perfect line for a bartender to use, not only to cut off the kvetching but to teach the Professor a lesson.
pschearer Premium Member about 15 years ago
It took me two heartbeats to get this, but once I did, I love it. Very elegant joke.