Worm: Top of the morning! Ahhh… Sun-up! The best part of the day! Yessir, smell that glorious, fresh morning ai--
Poncho: The early worm gets the bird.
I guess this is the start of a new arc, but I was hoping to see a follow up to Ponch digging up bones in the floor. Like maybe, an arc where Ponch is supposed to stay in a (horrors!) doghouse?
juicebruce over 10 years ago
Looks like something that you would see on P.B.S., Is Pastis around here somewhere ?
Starman1948 over 10 years ago
Good morning fans. The worn should have slept late this morning.
Alison84 over 10 years ago
The early bird may get the worm, but that’s not a huge incentive.
Argy.Bargy2 over 10 years ago
The early worm, like a car parked under trees, gets birded…
Argy.Bargy2 over 10 years ago
I guess this is the start of a new arc, but I was hoping to see a follow up to Ponch digging up bones in the floor. Like maybe, an arc where Ponch is supposed to stay in a (horrors!) doghouse?
DennisinSeattle over 10 years ago
We are just seeing the one-off strips that accumulated in Gilligan’s strange mind while he wrote the last arc.
I wonder if we will see the bird with Poncho’s collar again?
Juice-Bruce’s reference to Pearls is right on; they are both strips where things appear from nowhere and the rules of space and time do not apply.
JennyJenkins over 10 years ago
I like the one punch line sets between longer stories. This week especially, each one made me laugh out laud.
gblehgocomics over 10 years ago
I’ve almost forgotten how great this strip is when it’s not on a huge story arc
su43dipta almost 3 years ago
I really don’t get why worms don’t sleep in.