EIGHT?? What a small production for an Italian Family !! “What’s-matta you? You got no time for makin’ me a gran’fodda??” (pinch!)(to all ‘responders’… I’ve been there, done that and am the “outsider” to the above situation, but boy, the times we’ve had !!)
Argythree over 8 years ago
She’s in remarkable shape, then…
biglar over 8 years ago
I think we bought a baby book for #3 but it never got taken out of the wrapper. I KNOW we don’t have one for #4.
MS72 over 8 years ago
where can you get film developed these days?
Ermine Notyours over 8 years ago
Maybe she still has a Polaroid.
Sakamichi over 8 years ago
One short of a baseball team!
unca jim over 8 years ago
EIGHT?? What a small production for an Italian Family !! “What’s-matta you? You got no time for makin’ me a gran’fodda??” (pinch!)(to all ‘responders’… I’ve been there, done that and am the “outsider” to the above situation, but boy, the times we’ve had !!)
kab2rb over 8 years ago
I missed out on a large family so did my two sorry Joe mom did not bother taking lot of pictures of you as a child