Arlo and Janis by Jimmy Johnson for August 13, 2014
Janis: If you get a man-cave, I want a woman-cave! Arlo: There's no such thing! Janis: Why not? Arlo: Women have the rest of the house! Arlo: The point of the man-cave, really, is to keep the man out of the woman's way! Janis: Fine! Enjoy your manhole! Arlo: "Cave."
GR6 over 10 years ago
No, Arlo, the “hole” you just dug yourself.
melmarsh9v over 10 years ago
Janis could design a man-cage for him!
InColorado over 10 years ago
“Women have the rest of the house”
This, gents, is but one reason to not get married. Remember: what’s yours is hers and what’s hers is HERS. Never forget that.
Varnes over 10 years ago
I’m single, what’s mine is mine…..Hold the whine…..
mr , b over 10 years ago
Ah marriage , In 28 years there is not a single week that I do not regret . That single week she was visiting her ailing mother . Bada -bing .
nosirrom over 10 years ago
I think he’s going to be keeping out of her way whether he gets his man-cave or not.
jploch5408 over 10 years ago
Arlo, you ought to be glad Janis didn’t drop the “r” in “your” and substitute “ass” for “man”. ):
tuna1 over 10 years ago
Arlo’s man cave is rapidly turning into a dog house.
ARLOS DAD over 10 years ago
Rudy would like a cat house…..
rilla7979 over 10 years ago
The rest of the house is shared, not hers.
hippogriff over 10 years ago
Same thing. In German, cave is Höhle.
garyzeck over 10 years ago
He should have gone for a “naked room.” There would have been fewer repercussions. And perhaps a more interesting response.
ScullyUFO over 10 years ago
He has time for a “man cave” but no time for the boat he bought from Gus?
bsqnbay over 10 years ago
I told my the exact same thing Arlo told Janis in the second panel!!!! You have the entire house to decorate, redecorate, and rearrange however you want. Me? All I want is one stinking room to call my own!
DDrazen over 10 years ago
After my wife died I thought I’d bring in some man cave-type stuff: books to read and a used X-box. But the realities of keeping house AND still working at a job tells me that it’s impossible, at least until I retire. The man cave concept is a glorified man’s hidey-hole.
belcherman over 10 years ago
A man’s home is his garage.
cabalonrye over 10 years ago
After cleaning, cooking, shopping, folding, she wants to be able to seat with the man she loves, not seat all alone while the man, well fed, with clean clothes, will go lock himself in his clean den and play with his toys while his wife waits for him.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace over 10 years ago
Her feelings are hurt that there is ever a time when Arlo would want to be away from her even if only in the next room.Poor Janis.Poor Arlo.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace over 10 years ago
My beloved never wanted me away from her unless she had something better to do.It isn’t logical, but neither isSTOP RIGHT THERE
Downundergirl over 10 years ago
Isn’t just what we used to call way back when a ‘DEN’?
Caretaker24523 almost 4 years ago
And now, in 2021, “she sheds” are a thriving business for builders…. HA!