The Dinette Set by Julie Larson for March 11, 2010

  1. Mr peanut
    leakysqueaky712  almost 15 years ago

    That is so cruel. lol

    Good Morning Marguerite & Montana Lady & all.

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  2. Emerald
    margueritem  almost 15 years ago

    Doll’s head…. OMG, that dress…EIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIek!


    Who am I today, LS?

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  3. Emerald
    margueritem  almost 15 years ago

    Oh yeah, love the ‘Best in Show’ sign.

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  4. Mr peanut
    leakysqueaky712  almost 15 years ago


    At first I thought Emmett Kelly

    But on second look, maybe a throwback to the Ernie Kovac skits??

    The only one I remember was Percy Dovetail. Or was it Dovetonsils??

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  5. Krazykatbw2
    grapfhics  almost 15 years ago

    I know, but ain’t tellin’

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  6. 150606 petunias 003
    MontanaLady  almost 15 years ago

    Red Skelton…………..SSMMOOOOOOOOTHHH!!!!

    GM M and Everyone!!!!

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  7. Mr peanut
    leakysqueaky712  almost 15 years ago

    grapfhics Tell us

    The cigar is making me think Kovacs.

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  8. Krazykatbw2
    grapfhics  almost 15 years ago

    RIght, from the Nairobi Trio. Now find the Gocomic where I mentioned the music they played? And “poetry Lover”, it was Percy Dovetonsils I feel so smart this am, but I am done now. Morning, Ms M. Night all.

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  9. Emerald
    margueritem  almost 15 years ago

    ‘Morning, grapfhics! You are correct, Sir! You win one Dutch Masters cigar.

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  10. Mr peanut
    leakysqueaky712  almost 15 years ago

    Gee………….I lose again.

    I’m starting to get a complex.

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  11. Wolf3
    COWBOY7  almost 15 years ago

    Love the name tags!

    Good Morning Y’all

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  12. Lady with a bow
    ejcapulet  almost 15 years ago

    Some people can wear anything… then there’s Verl.

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  13. Tif whatifucan
    Ashrey  almost 15 years ago

    Ocean her?

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  14. D and d bed 03sc
    Ray_C  almost 15 years ago

    “Thunder and high winds…” Oh, Burl, you’re so mean!! Did something go wrong on that first balloon? Looks like some text is missing. Is this a new contest, Julie? Find the missing text!!

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  15. Underdog
    erwinbert  almost 15 years ago

    First, did some of the first dialog balloon get whited-out? It seems to be missing words. Second, I’ve seen that dress! At a Kansas City Star Trek convention just after Star Trek The Motion Picture was released. One of the costume contestants was… the V-Ger cloud! I think she placed first for creativity. OMG! It was Verl!

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  16. Tarot
    Nighthawks Premium Member almost 15 years ago

    sleeping on a serta is like sleeping on a cloud

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  17. 150606 petunias 003
    MontanaLady  almost 15 years ago

    Hey, grapfhics………………you are in great form this a.m…..

    I couldn’t sleep last night not knowing!!!!

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  18. Missing large
    jimeritano  almost 15 years ago

    That’s what I was thinking, Ash. “Stars an the ocean her?” Word salad means a stroke, right?

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  19. Missing large
    MFinSC  almost 15 years ago

    “Best in Show” is an appropriate sign. She looks like one of those dumb poodles at Westminster.

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  20. Krazykatbw2
    grapfhics  almost 15 years ago

    Thanx MontanaLady, I usually don’t catch the Night Owl edition. I saw Marguerite’s new avatar first on The Argyle Sweater and asked her about Solfege/ Solfeggio. She countered with another great clip. I think that Ernie Kovacs was probably was one of the greatest comedic minds when TV was truly innovative and entertaining. The YouTube clips are great ways to look back in time. I send a lot of dud & clunkers out there, but once in a while…

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  21. Krazykatbw2
    grapfhics  almost 15 years ago

    Trivia question: What actor’s father was influential in bringing Ernie Kovaks to New York? (I would never have known it without the internet. Who says you can’t learn anything new after 30? or was it 40, 50…?)

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  22. Wally head
    WallyCuppaJoe  almost 15 years ago

    Thanks Marguerite. I had forgotten all about the Dutch Masters cigars. Used to keep my baseball cards in them.

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  23. Mr peanut
    leakysqueaky712  almost 15 years ago

    Margueritem, see Annie

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  24. Missing large
    Tomsmomma  almost 15 years ago

    This particular comic seems familiar to me. Is this a repeat?

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  25. Flash
    pschearer Premium Member almost 15 years ago

    Trivia guess: Was it network exec Pat Weaver, father of Sigourney? (I was a fan of Kovacs when he was on a local station in Philly, before moving to NYC. I think his morning show was supposed to be called “Deadline for Breakfast” but he made it “Dead Lion for Breakfast”.)

    As for the garbled text, who knows what ha p ed? But I do believe D_S got it right.

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  26. Missing large
    Tomsmomma  almost 15 years ago

    I still say it’s a repeat, and Dinette_Setter’s fill-in-the-blank made the memory even stronger. Not meaning anything bad, but when other strips repeat a comic, at least they put “Best of …” or “Revisited” or something to make people know that they’re not going crazy when they think it’s familiar. Or maybe that was just the voices in my head. Yeah, yeah, you’re all just jealous that they don’t talk to you …

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