Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling for September 06, 2014
Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling SIXTH IN A SERIES OF GOVERNMENT INFORMATION BROCHURES YOUR local government, working for YOU! Attention, African Americans! We Regular Americans are delighted you've joined us here in Our Greatest Nation On Earth! The historical circumstances of your ancestors' arrival were somewhat less than voluntary and enthusiastic, but we don't hold that against you! Of course, you hold the rights and privileges that all Americans do! And to be sure you enjoy them properly, kindly adhere to the following Helpful Tips. When shopping, please announce when you are moving to a new aisle so that helpful clerks may follow you without delay or confusion. It is impolite to mention "white privilege" -- please pretend it does not exist. After all, we are courteous enough to pretend that Rap is music. If stopped at any time for questioning by a police officer, please do not make any sudden menacing or threatening gestures, such as being a black male. It is every citizen's right to peaceably protest, so please do so under the watchful gaze of our tank operators and snipers. Note: Throwing tear gas canisters back at the authorities who launched them at you is considered a faux pas. REMEMBER: All Americans are equal, and if you follow these simple guidelines, YOU CAN BE TOO!
SKJAM! Premium Member over 10 years ago
“Attacking police or civilians” will include raising your hands and begging “please don’t shoot!”
Tinman Premium Member over 10 years ago
The New Century Foundation lays it out: “Blacks are seven times more likely than people of other races to commit murder, and eight times more likely to commit robbery. . . . Blacks are an estimated 39 times more likely to commit a violent crime against a white than vice versa, and 136 times more likely to commit robbery.”It’s more than a white on black problem. You can call me a hater, but the stats are the stats.
Packratjohn Premium Member over 10 years ago
It was put to me that there are many times more blacks in prison than whites because they commit more crime. I didn’t argue that because I didn’t have any facts to rely on. My response was simply that blacks are far more likely to be arrested, tried, found guilty, and imprisoned than their white counterparts.
Kip W over 10 years ago
So the statistics actually know who committed every murder in the U.S.? And yet so many of them are officially ‘unsolved’ by the police. There’s your scandal!
Either that, or the statistics only show who goes to jail, which is actually a different matter from who does the crimes.
Donaldo Premium Member over 10 years ago
great cartoon
IslamoradaGirl over 10 years ago
Some of you people are pathetic. If you’re such a troll and a hater, why read Dancing Bug when you could be burning a cross and dragging your knuckles across the mall floor?
DFront Premium Member over 10 years ago
@IslamoradaGirlI think I’m in love with you.
Monster Hesh over 10 years ago
In some universe that exists only in the most fevered imaginations, a cherry-picked bag of questionable statistics justifies shooting an unarmed man in the back because of his race—and celebrates all the subsequent attempts by media hacks to smear the deceased and even his survivors, including but hardly limited to posting deliberately altered medical documents—and this is NOT RACIST AT ALL. Nope. Not even a bit.
Randy B Premium Member over 10 years ago
If you look at the FBI statistics (the basis for most of these “facts”), there are two things to note that haven’t been mentioned:.1. The 2011 African American murder rate is about half of the 1991 African American murder rate. An excellent trend..2. From the 2011 data, 91% of African American murders were committed by African Americans. 83% of white murders were committed by whites. With regard to murder, you should be more afraid of someone you know of your own race, including your family, than a random person of another race.
sottwell over 10 years ago
I lived for three years in Hialeah when it was still almost completely Cuban. During those three years I was mugged twice, cheated twice, and had three attempts at breaking into my apartment foiled by watchful neighbors. One mugging was by a white teenager, from a gang living in an abandoned warehouse near the Metrorail station. The other six “events” were perpetrated by black people. What conclusions would you have me draw from this?
LOLisgood4U over 10 years ago
That’s right, Ruben, it’s all Whitey’s fault.
androgenoide over 10 years ago
Race, poverty, criminality and cultural values are all tied up in a complex knot of chicken-and-egg paradoxes. Blacks, police, politicians, rednecks and corporate executives all have their own world views and subcultural values. All of us are subject to confirmation bias when we evaluate our data sources.Are Blacks more likely to be arrested and convicted than Whites? Almost certainly. Does that mean that they are more likely to indulge in criminal behavior? Probably but… maybe not as much as the arrest rates would seem to indicate. Police, as often as the rest of us, will search for an answer where the light is best. Statistics based on arrests necessarily ignore unreported and unsolved crimes. In a world where half of the murders go unsolved and most rapes go unreported, arrest statistics have a huge margin of error making them a potentially unreliable source of data on violent crime. We all have opinions and we should recognize that they are not the same as facts.
Randy B Premium Member over 10 years ago
He insists on taking ALL the umbrage.
Randy B Premium Member over 10 years ago
This cartoon never mentioned “white privilege”.And white privilege has very little to do with how you’re treated by individual non-whites. (Even if they’re racist, or @ssholes, or just cranky.)