Phoebe and Her Unicorn by Dana Simpson for September 13, 2014

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    Templo S.U.D.  over 10 years ago

    I may not have been able to find “The Last Unicorn” film on YouTube, but I found the audio book thereon (even the soundtrack).

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    skydancer11  over 10 years ago

    Easily one of the best books I’ve ever read or will ever read again.

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    josh_bisbee  over 10 years ago

    After watching Legend of the Guardians:The Owls of Ga’hoole, I started buying the Guardians of Ga’Hoole book series.

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    Peacock025  over 10 years ago

    Here is a link to the movie for those who can’t find it! Although I would say it is a good one to go out and actually buy for your collection; I definitely love owning my own. No link needed for the book, just cruise on over to a book store!

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    woodshoods1  over 10 years ago

    Books,the brains best motion pictures. More stories,more scares,more surprises. Nuff said!

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    Zero-Gabriel  over 10 years ago

    Well at least it’s not a red butterfly with twin-mounted machine-guns…

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    otherunicorn  over 10 years ago

    I’ve read the book, a different copy of the book, another copy of the book, and read them a few times each, just to be sure. No, I’m not joking.

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    PeterPears  over 10 years ago

    Oh. Is this how this storyline ends? I admit, I expected a little more, geek fan that I am. :) Ah well, I suppose overstaying is never a good thing.

    BTW, for all TLU fans here: I understand there’s a newer edition of the book containing the first draft of the story, which was significantly different; set in modern times, and with Amalthea being accompanied by a demon. Is it worth finding that copy, d’you think?

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    PeterPears  over 10 years ago

    (I understand Beagle was very very pleased with the film, but after reading the book I felt Schemndrick was sold short in the film)

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    Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member over 10 years ago

    That’s what I said…

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    kaykeyser  over 10 years ago

    Yes some times listen to butterflies. They can have an effect. Some times you have to take a look, its in a book and other times they want to smoke a hooka and ask “Who are you?” other times there just the saddest episode of Pokemon or the coolest thing about Godzilla!

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    puddleglum1066  over 10 years ago

    Here in Da Burbs, the butterflies are all too busy screaming, “Milkweed! Milkweed!! Somebody plant some [deleted] milkweed before we go extinct! Please please PLEASE!!” to offer any advice about the relative virtues of movies and books.

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  13. Neo stryder avatar
    Neo Stryder  over 10 years ago

    I still remember when I asked you if the Red Bull existed in the world of Heavenly Nostrils, and you told me “Yes, it gives you wings” (=P)

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    PeterPears  over 10 years ago

    Oy, I just realised. If Amalthea had not listened to the butterfly, all the unicorns would still be trapped in the sea! Is that what you want, Marigold? IS IT?!?

    Trust a Unicorn to think of herself first, foremost and exclusively. And yet you can’t exactly call them selfish, because they so clearly are as awesome as they think. :)

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    scyphi26  over 10 years ago

    If it’s based off a book, you really should give the book a try…especially seeing that, more often than not, the book’s usually better. Dunno if this is true about The Last Unicorn, because I haven’t read the book…but also never been able to sit and watch through the whole movie either (I have no doubt whatsoever that it’s a good movie…I’m just not interested in it).

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    Comic Minister Premium Member over 10 years ago

    Oh boy.

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    JP Steve Premium Member over 10 years ago

    I liked “The Last Unicorn” well enough, but Peter Beagle’s “I See by my Outfit” is still one of my favorite books of all time.

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    Madcat6204  over 10 years ago

    While it does seem a bit of a shame to not have further reactions to the movie, it’s also something of a relief. While there are some moments of humor in The Last Unicorn, it’s not a comedy at all, and the contents of the movie and its story aren’t things that I feel… should be made light of.

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    SRSTFB  over 10 years ago

    I’m a bit surprised people are so unanimous about the book. When I read it, I was rather disappointed to find it was a lot more whimsical, and included a lot of fourth-wall breaking randomness.

    It’s still a good book, but the tone and style is completely different from the movie. I went into the book expecting a deeper and richer version of the movie, and was left quite let down.

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    PBS< BN<JS  about 9 years ago

    For those of you who don’t know, this is just a rerun that was re-worded

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    bpetano  almost 6 years ago

    Hi! I made an account just to say that this is undoubtedly a Reading Rainbow reference. <3

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    Kark_The_Red_Canadian_Dragon  9 months ago

    NOT good advice. I did that once, read the book before seeing the movie, and I thought the movie sucked!

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