The robot apocalypse will not take the form of large robots raging over humanity. It will be self-replicating nanobots turning the planet into grey goo. How’s that for a cheerful thought?
Now, Dad, why on earth would you have thought your son, Lio, would be happy to watch a normal TV show about a happy, family-friendly robot when there are 3-D movies out there like Robot Apocalypse that all his friends can enjoy along with you? Just look at that giant squid, and that homicidal kitty, and his own big mechanical creature, all sitting with you on the couch, with Lio on your lap! Now, that’s really family-friendly!
Templo S.U.D. over 10 years ago
Can’t go wrong with 3-D.
Fiammata over 10 years ago
For once, Dad is in on the fun!
AlnicoV over 10 years ago
Know your audience.
Lyons Group, Inc. over 10 years ago
And what’s wrong with Ricky The Robot & Friends? It’s family-friendly!
Fido (aka Felix Rex) over 10 years ago
Weird, Ricky looks just like Lio.
WaitingMan over 10 years ago
The robot apocalypse will not take the form of large robots raging over humanity. It will be self-replicating nanobots turning the planet into grey goo. How’s that for a cheerful thought?
neverenoughgold over 10 years ago
Have a 3D plasma set and a 3D BluRay player. Haven’t purchased a 3D disc yet!.Oh, and those silly glasses…
Ermine Notyours over 10 years ago
3D glasses for TV are expensive. $100+ last time I looked.
pinkdryad Premium Member over 10 years ago
Dad, you should know better by now! :)
Sharon Hayes over 10 years ago
I have a 3D TV and 3D Blu-ray player too. The glasses come with the TV. The only 3D movie I own is Avatar.
Comic Minister Premium Member over 10 years ago
Sorry sir.
Sisyphos over 10 years ago
Now, Dad, why on earth would you have thought your son, Lio, would be happy to watch a normal TV show about a happy, family-friendly robot when there are 3-D movies out there like Robot Apocalypse that all his friends can enjoy along with you? Just look at that giant squid, and that homicidal kitty, and his own big mechanical creature, all sitting with you on the couch, with Lio on your lap! Now, that’s really family-friendly!