Fine. Hand him every assignment and exam for what would be his entire senior year, and have him complete them by the end of the day. No books, no computer, and no internet. If he succeeds, and gets passing grades on all of them, he can graduate.
The ants have (miraculously!) grown arms in today’s strip. Yesterday, they only had legs and antennae. And while the teacher is wearing a dress with a bustle, the students are in class stark naked. The mind reels….
I have had fun with those “tests”. Some would be more difficult if they were “fill in the blank” or if the multiple choices given were more difficult. … But that’s all they are… for fun.
awgiedawgie Premium Member over 10 years ago
Fine. Hand him every assignment and exam for what would be his entire senior year, and have him complete them by the end of the day. No books, no computer, and no internet. If he succeeds, and gets passing grades on all of them, he can graduate.
favm over 10 years ago
The internet tells no lies. Some people who write in it …..
phelpsgates over 10 years ago
The ants have (miraculously!) grown arms in today’s strip. Yesterday, they only had legs and antennae. And while the teacher is wearing a dress with a bustle, the students are in class stark naked. The mind reels….
Observer fo Irony over 10 years ago
And how many times did he have to take that tests before he reached the genius level?
rugeirn over 10 years ago
The idea that juniors in high school need to work on problems such as “4+4=?” would be funny if it weren’t a daily reality across the country.
flagmichael over 10 years ago
Intelligence and education are distinct concept.
Karaboo2 over 10 years ago
Then you can be on facebook full time, like the rest of the genius’s.
neverenoughgold over 10 years ago
What happens if you take an IQ test and fail?.Oh, I know… you become a politician and run for public office!
lightenup Premium Member over 10 years ago
At eleven I skipped all the way to college also, but then my legs got tired and I had to walk the rest of the way to middle school.
ChessPirate over 10 years ago
“10=X” And?
Jml58 over 10 years ago
X is the roman numeral for 10
TimeLordSoundwave over 10 years ago
A Facebook quiz once told me I was perfect for Slytherin, so I guess I have the right to attempt an assassination of Danial Radcliff.
Hunter7 over 10 years ago
I have had fun with those “tests”. Some would be more difficult if they were “fill in the blank” or if the multiple choices given were more difficult. … But that’s all they are… for fun.