KING: Oh, so it’s all my fault! I’m the jerk, huh! Well, I’ve got man-eating alligators in the moat!QUEEN: Really?KING: Well, maybe a couple of piranha….QUEEN: Uh huh…KING: Okay, so a couple of koi fish! Just get in the castle!
Unfortunately, the serfs who supplied the revenue to build the castle, into which not all of the King is able to fit, are not amused. This only means another round of taxes to iron out the inequities in the current design.
In my country, the attitude is that if the consrvatives had been in power when the SydneyHarbour Bridge had been built, it would have had one lane each way, instead or the visionary 3 lane either way, it now has. Because ’that’s all we need’; same with the national broadbanf – noone needs 100 Mb – we’ll make ir 25; that’s good enough!’
An added benefit would be that the narrow bridge and door keeps the ‘religious witnesses’ from ganging up on the owner… they only can approach one at a time.
Kali39 over 10 years ago
KING: Oh, so it’s all my fault! I’m the jerk, huh! Well, I’ve got man-eating alligators in the moat!QUEEN: Really?KING: Well, maybe a couple of piranha….QUEEN: Uh huh…KING: Okay, so a couple of koi fish! Just get in the castle!
AlnicoV over 10 years ago
You get what you pay for.
Superfrog over 10 years ago
Bridging finance can be difficult.
alviebird over 10 years ago
That’s what happens when you award the contract to the lowest bidder.
Arianne over 10 years ago
Face it, you’ve been emoaticonned. :P
Brass Orchid Premium Member over 10 years ago
Unfortunately, the serfs who supplied the revenue to build the castle, into which not all of the King is able to fit, are not amused. This only means another round of taxes to iron out the inequities in the current design.
Observer fo Irony over 10 years ago
But the contractor followed the queen’s measurements.
keenanthelibrarian over 10 years ago
In my country, the attitude is that if the consrvatives had been in power when the SydneyHarbour Bridge had been built, it would have had one lane each way, instead or the visionary 3 lane either way, it now has. Because ’that’s all we need’; same with the national broadbanf – noone needs 100 Mb – we’ll make ir 25; that’s good enough!’
gijoe76 over 10 years ago
I got 99 problems and the bridge is one.
Observer fo Irony over 10 years ago
@SizeofaPeaThe Queen is skinny, the bridge is skinny and the door is skinny, ergo the queen’s measurements were followed.
Hardthought over 10 years ago
But we had to spend money on those sixteen redundant job training programs!! how else to buy votes?
We can just pass another tax and call it for infrastructure even though we spent all of the infrastructure taxes on other things.
dabugger over 10 years ago
Obviously they been staying at a motel while their abode was being build.
David Rickard Premium Member over 10 years ago
On the other hand, it’s a great choke-point for slaughtering Vikings and other attackers…
Sailor46 USN 65-95 over 10 years ago
A couple of hand rails might make it work. Not sure there is room for them though.
Meh~tdology, fka Pepelaputr over 10 years ago
So, which “luxury item” is the moat stocked with?Sturgeon for the caviar?
ChessPirate over 10 years ago
Um, they used more bricks/stones/mortar building the entryway…
neeeurothrush over 10 years ago
i’m seeing a thread here Wiley – having some work done on your abode perchance?
angeldscoobydoo Premium Member over 10 years ago
Looks like they might have to shrink height-wise as well, if they don’t want to stoop.
Brass Orchid Premium Member over 10 years ago
We will never know.
susan.e.a.c over 10 years ago
A door is a luxury item? The queen has it too good to think like that.
wrwallaceii over 10 years ago
An added benefit would be that the narrow bridge and door keeps the ‘religious witnesses’ from ganging up on the owner… they only can approach one at a time.