Clayton, you're wise when it comes to money.
well,,,you cant go wrong with ethics's ebb, frank.
Ah, yes! Deuteronomy 23?
Stash your dough in there its foolproof.
Well, David’s convinced me. I’m going to live in a box and do absolutely nothing except eat bland food and work (and when I have free time and feel extravagant, I’ll sleep and maybe even poop). That way, by the time I’m dead I’ll be rich! Yay! Surely a joyless existence will guarantee entrance into a Heaven for which I have no solid evidence, right?
Deuteronomy Chapter 23 begins with – well, umm. You’d better look it up yourselves, Verse 19 does get into charging interest, but my first thought was that Robb Armstrong kinda winged it when he used it in the 3rd panel.
dbsw over 10 years ago
jbrown292 over 10 years ago
I think he was referring to verse 19 about usury!
Observer fo Irony over 10 years ago
@tsandlHotel visitors looking for a free souvenir.
kab2rb over 10 years ago
What extra money most families ours included do not have extra cash laying around.
Dani Rice over 10 years ago
Considering how little interest banks pay today, you might as well stash your money in a book or under the mattress as anyplace else.
Observer fo Irony over 10 years ago
@Dani RiceI am using it to pay down the charge card balance; I get better interest return that way.
super_tec over 10 years ago
I actually looked up Deuteronomy 23 and it doesn’t say much about money, except not to charge interest to an Israelite, but only to a foreigner.
Observer fo Irony over 10 years ago
@LarryWhere are you getting .78% interest, my accounts are only getting .10 %.
Monster Hesh over 10 years ago
Well, David’s convinced me. I’m going to live in a box and do absolutely nothing except eat bland food and work (and when I have free time and feel extravagant, I’ll sleep and maybe even poop). That way, by the time I’m dead I’ll be rich! Yay! Surely a joyless existence will guarantee entrance into a Heaven for which I have no solid evidence, right?
Charlie Fogwhistle over 10 years ago
Deuteronomy Chapter 23 begins with – well, umm. You’d better look it up yourselves, Verse 19 does get into charging interest, but my first thought was that Robb Armstrong kinda winged it when he used it in the 3rd panel.