Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for December 07, 2014

  1. Missing large
    Argythree  over 10 years ago

    Ok, I get why the irresponsible dog owner is happy to avoid ‘patrol duty’, but why is the dog so happy?

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  2. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 10 years ago

    ^You obviously don’t have a dog that takes in much pride in himself as mine does.

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    keenanthelibrarian  over 10 years ago

    I think the gentleman just wanted to have a sweet conversation (albeit by texting) with his wife. Can’t see what all the fuss is about.

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  4. Gig5
    Gigantor  over 10 years ago

    Between full-strength dog urine causing nitrogen burns and the digging, not much live grass left in “dog-friendly” parks either.

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  5. Carnac
    AKHenderson Premium Member over 10 years ago

    Re last panel: who besides me encountered the word “jackwagon” for the first time in that GEICO commercial?

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  6. Other7 brush
    Meh~tdology, fka Pepelaputr   over 10 years ago

    “Dang,” said the guy I once caught letting his dog plant a loaf on my lawn, “I forgot to bring any bags.”You should have seen him scoot when I offered to get him one.

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  7. Me 2015
    puddlesplatt  over 10 years ago

    pick it up in the little plastic bag, and then heave it into the bushes, or your neighbors yard, that way it lasts longe?r

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  8. Calvin and hobbes
    DBjorn  over 10 years ago

    Heh. I encountered “jackwagon” back in 1983 while vacationing the Marine Corps Recruit Depot-San Diego.

    Okay, so it really wasn’t much of a vacation, but, it was highly educational. Learned lots of phrases and words which I can’t use in forum. heh

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    usafmsgt  over 10 years ago

    Put it in the grill of their car. But, then you won’t have any neighbors to talk to. A win/win.

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    dabugger  over 10 years ago

    dog one silly

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    sarah413 Premium Member over 10 years ago

    Party poppers ruin it for everyone.

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    ladylagomorph76  over 10 years ago

    What I don’t understand is dog owners who pick up the poop in neat little plastic bags ( while the state is slowly making us buy reusable grocery bags) then they leave neatly tied off black plastic bags of dog poop either on the ground where it would have been absorbed, or they set it on a rock, or tie it on a fence! Seriously!? What’s that about? A hold over from disposable diaper duty?

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    susan.e.a.c  over 10 years ago

    I’d say close to 80% of dog owners don’t pick up poop around here.

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    bugaboo27  over 10 years ago

    I go to dog parks regularly and have seen “this” person a million times. They turn away and pretend they don’t see their dog pooing so they won’t have to pick it up. I know we all sometimes legitimately miss sometimes (it’s a BIG park), but to deliberately ignore it is just rude. Luckily, there are some “poop fairies” at this park who pick up extra all the time to keep it clean! :)

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  15. Egil skallagrimsson
    Kveldulf  over 10 years ago

    True Story —.Thirty years ago I lived in a small tourist town and decided to learn to ride horseback. One afternoon the trainer and I were out riding and decided to follow the pedestrian path along the Niagara River. At the point where we were to begin, a ranger came up to us and told us we could not ride there because the park rangers hated shoveling up after horses. .He then turned around and walked back to his truck. Tony, my horse, waited until he was halfway there and let go a good twenty pounds..We took off at a gallop, laughing the whole way.

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    Jaroca2  over 10 years ago

    To argythree and others too dense to understand a basic
. the dog is happy and running about because it found RELIEF
. it felt GOOD to dump

    Pure and simple, no hidden meaningsIt is an animal


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  17. Egil skallagrimsson
    Kveldulf  over 10 years ago

    Oops — the horse’s name was Toby, not Tony. Sorry old fella. You were a real character and I miss you.

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    Thehag  over 10 years ago

    So irritating it is not hard to carry a couple of plastic bags! I have for years and there are biodegradable bags available if you can afford them. Those irresponsible, entitled, childish idiots who don’t clean up after their dogs give all other dog people a bad reputation.

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    dogday Premium Member over 10 years ago

    To Jim, Sparkle and the others who understand dogs
agreed; that feeling of relief is one where we can really meet our dogs. We’ve had three new ones move in next door, all males from what I can tell. We’re working out the shouting matches between their’n and our’n. But in the meantime, one of ours, the one who knows no fear, has taken to a cocky, strutting establishing of territory (on his side of the fence, of course) by an EXTREMELY vigorous kicking up of dirt/grass/snow/etc., for “covering” his poop whenever he knows they’re around. (I say “covering” because what he kicks up is nowhere near what he is ostensibly trying to cover.) He’s a riot to watch
“HA! Take that, you intrusive, poor-excuse-for-poopers, you! HA!”

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    dogday Premium Member over 10 years ago

    Good one, Wiley. I LOVE the expression on the dog’s face in the second-to-last panel. We should all learn to rejoice in
the little things like dogs do.

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  21. Silverknights
    JanLC  over 10 years ago

    My friend and I were walking her dogs last week when we watched a dog do his “business” next to the sidewalk, then she just walked away. As she drew near to us, I offered her one of our empty bags and she just shrugged it off as “a little liquid, not worth stooping over for”.

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  22. Siberian tigers 22
    Hunter7  over 10 years ago

    Such a nice, bouncy, well fed dog. Happy pup. Cute.

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  23. Other7 brush
    Meh~tdology, fka Pepelaputr   over 10 years ago

    “It’s not the dog “loaves” 
 it’s the fast food wrappers.”-————————————-My unscientific observations of roadside litter leads me to believe that consumers of the output of Micky D’s and the manufacturers of lite beers are the majority are the majority offenders.

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