Roland: Hello? Hello, sir? Hello, I wonder if I could have a few words with. Wait! Come back! I mean you no harm! I'm just a simple mountaineer like yourself!
Camera man: Forget it, man. None of these rag-heads speak american anyway.
“Now that is Liberal and Progressive radio”.But are “liberal” and “progressive” always the same?Obviously not or “and” wouldn’t be needed..Still, intentionally slanted reporting is dishonest, no matter who does it.
And now the money is definitely from the right side, especially since all the so-called “mainstream media” are owned by the corporations who consider them advertising outlets. Just look at “news” stories on movies produced by the owners’ studios.
“when the Pope visited Cuba and denounced the human right violations that the front page story wasn’t this story”.Maybe they didn’t really consider it news.Cuban government was condemned? Nothing new there.The pope condemned injustice? Nothing new since priests weren’t involved.Physical evidence existed our leader lied to us?Now, THAT is uncommon..But the idea is that all of the news outlets would or should have gone with the other item no matter how ineffective the pope’s words were.(And remember that many of us don’t care what the pope says as long as he no longer calls for burning us at the stake — for which we are appreciative.)
What part of “most of the time” is a problem for you?.Sure, they’re whores enough that getting big ratings trumps ideology, but for run-of-the mill, day-to-day reporting, the ideology shows through clearly..Fox news shows you everything major the President does, even if it’s a good move. The Liberals do the same.
They’re not rag heads, that comment alone would have gotten the guy skinned if any by a tiny minority of the Pastun spoke anything but the local tongues.
Speak Pashto if you can, and Dari if you can’t, but never EVER call a Pashtun tribesman an Arab if you want to keep your parts.
“The very word ‘socialism’ so terrifies most of you, you are so frightened of being branded socialist, you can’t think straight on the subject. Butch up, guys! It’s time to stop allowing the insane right to dominate the debate.” .Considering socialism’s track record, insanity would be the ones expecting a different result from it.Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.
BE THIS GUY about 10 years ago
“I’m a simple mountaineer like yourself who knows how to tie a Windsor knot.”
barbara chaffin Premium Member about 10 years ago
Argythree about 10 years ago
Even then, reporters were a lower life form…
rpmurray about 10 years ago
I didn’t know they had Faux News back in 1980. No, wait a minute, it turns out this is the vaunted left-leaning liberal media in all its glory.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace about 10 years ago
“ragheads” so racist and insulting
AKHenderson Premium Member about 10 years ago
Ragheads? Cameraman has his geography wrong. Not to mention his observational skills – that headgear is definitely not rag-like.
Who refers to American English as “American?”
montessoriteacher about 10 years ago
Someone tried to have a left network like faux news, it didn’t work out.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace about 10 years ago
“Now that is Liberal and Progressive radio”.But are “liberal” and “progressive” always the same?Obviously not or “and” wouldn’t be needed..Still, intentionally slanted reporting is dishonest, no matter who does it.
kaffekup about 10 years ago
And now the money is definitely from the right side, especially since all the so-called “mainstream media” are owned by the corporations who consider them advertising outlets. Just look at “news” stories on movies produced by the owners’ studios.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace about 10 years ago
“when the Pope visited Cuba and denounced the human right violations that the front page story wasn’t this story”.Maybe they didn’t really consider it news.Cuban government was condemned? Nothing new there.The pope condemned injustice? Nothing new since priests weren’t involved.Physical evidence existed our leader lied to us?Now, THAT is uncommon..But the idea is that all of the news outlets would or should have gone with the other item no matter how ineffective the pope’s words were.(And remember that many of us don’t care what the pope says as long as he no longer calls for burning us at the stake — for which we are appreciative.)
Malcolm Hall about 10 years ago
MSNBC is pretty close. The staff is certainly just as stupid as anyone on Fox.
Rick Smith Premium Member about 10 years ago
Roland had quite a chin back then.
timbob2313 Premium Member about 10 years ago
I still believe that GT is commenting on Dan Rather’s breathless reporting from Afghanistan, in local costume
jeffiekins about 10 years ago
What part of “most of the time” is a problem for you?.Sure, they’re whores enough that getting big ratings trumps ideology, but for run-of-the mill, day-to-day reporting, the ideology shows through clearly..Fox news shows you everything major the President does, even if it’s a good move. The Liberals do the same.
barister about 10 years ago
Rag Head!!?? Really!??
caligula about 10 years ago
They’re not rag heads, that comment alone would have gotten the guy skinned if any by a tiny minority of the Pastun spoke anything but the local tongues.
Speak Pashto if you can, and Dari if you can’t, but never EVER call a Pashtun tribesman an Arab if you want to keep your parts. Premium Member about 10 years ago
Some of us couldn’t agree more.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace about 10 years ago
“The very word ‘socialism’ so terrifies most of you, you are so frightened of being branded socialist, you can’t think straight on the subject. Butch up, guys! It’s time to stop allowing the insane right to dominate the debate.” .Considering socialism’s track record, insanity would be the ones expecting a different result from it.Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace about 10 years ago
National Socialist German Workers’ Party,
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace about 10 years ago
People’s Republic of China Republica de Cuba People’s Republic of Korea