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Frazz by Jef Mallett for December 10, 2014
Caulfield: I'm here to apply for a day off. A mental health day. Mr. Spaetzle: You seem fine. Caulfield: A day off for me would do wonders for Mrs. Olsen's mental health. Mr. Spaetzle: You realize you were sent here for another talking to. Caulfield: Imagination and hope are how I maintain my mental health.
TheSkulker about 10 years ago
This is right up there as Jeffs finest!
bagbalm about 10 years ago
Don’t worry. They’ll knock all that silly hope and imagination out of you.
1MadHat Premium Member about 10 years ago
Yep – the only yellow brick in a red brick wall. It gets you noticed and makes a lot of people uncomfortable.He knows it, is good at it and revels in it.
Ken in Ohio about 10 years ago
Hope is a dangerous thing to have.From “Shawshank Redemption”:“Remember, Red. Hope is a good thing”and later. . .“I hope I make it across the border. I hope the ocean is as blue as it has been in my dreams. I hope to see my friend again. I hope. . .”Every time I see the end of that movie, and hear those lines, I get chills. Hope is a good thing.Of course, Red was talking about hope for the future in this life. There is also hope for the next life, in Jesus Christ. I hope you find that. Peace.
SkyFisher about 10 years ago
So, Night Gaunt, you want to kill hope.I suppose you also want to cancel Christmas.
Agent54 about 10 years ago
Talking to my big white rabbit friend is how I keep my mental health.
garcoa about 10 years ago
Pane 2: Absolutely true, cannot disagree with that!
jessegooddoggy about 10 years ago
Demmiaa about 10 years ago
All hope, but no expectations, which is a kill joy.
Pipe Tobacco about 10 years ago
NCLB wasn’t a “boondoggle” for teachers in any way, shape, or form. Instead NCLB was a cuss word (cuss acronym? :) )to most teachers and districts because it was a policy NOT designed to provide resources to help teachers reach underperforming students…. but instead was a policy with built in PUNISHMENTS for districts with underperforming students to push them through or risk losing the meager funding they were getting.
Pipe Tobacco about 10 years ago
Principal Spaetzel is my hero! He is by far my favorite character in this comic! We can always count on him to try hard to do his very best in any circumstance.
Pipe Tobacco about 10 years ago
Kennedy?!?!?!? You cannot be serious. NCLB was a proposal by George W. Bush in 2001.
Unfortunately, NCLB was a punitive measure, not an initiative to help education.