I somehow missed the “joy” of spelling bees in grade school, they were not a part of the curriculum of the “special ed” school I was (somewhat incorrectly) transferred to. Thus, the only “memory” of spelling bees was from “A Boy Named Charlie Brown”, in which Chuck makes his way to a national spelling bee, but misses the word “Beagle”.
My word (it was a classroom spell-down) was s-e-p-A-r-a-t-e. I made the first “A” an “E”. Haven’t made that mistake since then, the fourth grade. I have started reading a lot of British fiction since then, however, and have begun giving words their British spelling. I also had to stop and think when someone used the spelling “defence.” Only correct in the context of “Boss! De fence, de fence!” ;-)
Niki1983 about 10 years ago
I’ll never forget missing first place in the regional spelling bee for my grade level when I screwed up the spelling of “icy”: i-c-e-y. Three letters.
texan1972 about 10 years ago
I did that on a math test once pasted all the other sections but failed the addition section
tirnaaisling about 10 years ago
Really I thought you guys spelled it as D-A-W-G.
Neo Stryder about 10 years ago
One always fails with the easiers.
Darwinskeeper about 10 years ago
I somehow missed the “joy” of spelling bees in grade school, they were not a part of the curriculum of the “special ed” school I was (somewhat incorrectly) transferred to. Thus, the only “memory” of spelling bees was from “A Boy Named Charlie Brown”, in which Chuck makes his way to a national spelling bee, but misses the word “Beagle”.
Ermine Notyours about 10 years ago
Where were they getting the words from, Breaking Bad?
Tue Elung-Jensen about 10 years ago
Yes, and what does that say about you. :)
dogday Premium Member about 10 years ago
My word (it was a classroom spell-down) was s-e-p-A-r-a-t-e. I made the first “A” an “E”. Haven’t made that mistake since then, the fourth grade. I have started reading a lot of British fiction since then, however, and have begun giving words their British spelling. I also had to stop and think when someone used the spelling “defence.” Only correct in the context of “Boss! De fence, de fence!” ;-)
Stellagal about 10 years ago
If you beat a nerd, Felicia, what does that make you?
Hag5000 about 10 years ago
You’ll never stop the music of one who dances to her own tune, Felicia.
Ermine Notyours about 10 years ago
Oh S-H-I-P!