Janis, Arlo is enamored by YOU! Quit complaining, sheesh! When he quits trying to sneak a peak of you in the tub, or reminding you of past moments of intimacy, then you can get upset.
One day, soon after we were married, I prefaced a silly remark to my husband by calling him “Junior.” He sat back in his chair, pretended to have a “chaw” in his cheek, and came back with “Yeah, whaadya want, Shpahrky (Sparky)?” So we became Junior and Sparky. And when one or the other came in from outside, we were always “Hey, Love” or “I’m home, Love.”
A friend of mine started ‘dating’ a guy who would refer to as momma; it got confusing when his real mother came over from California for their wedding since both of the females would answer him. I called him Tinker because I didn’t give a tinker’s damn what he did as long it wasn’t around me.
tahoeh2o about 10 years ago
I meant Sweetie Baby…
Observer fo Irony about 10 years ago
Her alter ego?
lotsalaffs Premium Member about 10 years ago
Jennifer Grey in ‘Dirty Dancing’ with Patrick Swayzee.
JoeStoppinghem Premium Member about 10 years ago
Eh, you are sweetie?
Terrence Feenstra Premium Member about 10 years ago
He called me “baby, baby” all night long . . .Thanks, Patsy.
mjb515 about 10 years ago
Uh-oh, paranoid mode! Run away!
Q4horse about 10 years ago
Baby could be a derogatory term when applied to an adult. Sweetie is a more proper term of endearment.
FosterGrant about 10 years ago
chizzel about 10 years ago
Mine is Honey Bear, sweet as honey and soft as a bear
JonDoh about 10 years ago
Janis, Arlo is enamored by YOU! Quit complaining, sheesh! When he quits trying to sneak a peak of you in the tub, or reminding you of past moments of intimacy, then you can get upset.
Ina Tizzy about 10 years ago
I have a name. If you call me “honey” “sweetie” or “baby” I assume you’ve forgotten it, and reply “yes, whatsyourname”.
celeconecca about 10 years ago
One day, soon after we were married, I prefaced a silly remark to my husband by calling him “Junior.” He sat back in his chair, pretended to have a “chaw” in his cheek, and came back with “Yeah, whaadya want, Shpahrky (Sparky)?” So we became Junior and Sparky. And when one or the other came in from outside, we were always “Hey, Love” or “I’m home, Love.”
Observer fo Irony about 10 years ago
A friend of mine started ‘dating’ a guy who would refer to as momma; it got confusing when his real mother came over from California for their wedding since both of the females would answer him. I called him Tinker because I didn’t give a tinker’s damn what he did as long it wasn’t around me.
AliCom about 10 years ago
Janis is so anal. I’m suprised Arlo even bothers at this point in life.
gregcartoon Premium Member about 10 years ago
My wife calls me “Punk”. But it’s okay. It’s short for ’Punkin’". Unfortunately, some others call me “Punk”, but it’s not short for anything.
gordol about 10 years ago
No one puts Baby in a corner.
KEA about 10 years ago
At least he didn’t call her ‘Blondie’ or ‘Lois’
Sheila Hardie about 10 years ago
Baby’s the worst. If you can’t bring yourself to say her name, at least say something other than “baby”. ugh
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace about 10 years ago
I tend to answer her calls with, “Yes, my beloved?”With that in mind, my wife does not lend/loan her cell phone to others to call me.
RonBerg13 Premium Member about 10 years ago
Well, Baby is, uh, over there and, uh, she , um, er, Baby was and then, ah, well, uh…
water_moon about 10 years ago
I prefer pet names when asking a favor, it let’s my “dearest” know it’s not a requirement or emergency, like child clean up or shattered glass.
RonBerg13 Premium Member almost 9 years ago
Tis a big slip, twixt cup and lip.