Frank and Ernest by Thaves for January 12, 2015

  1. R fp505 spring05
    skeeterhawk  about 10 years ago

    If the U.S. existed then ….

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  2. Beautiful tree and river1
    TREEINTHEWIND  about 10 years ago

    I assume you mean the bicycle and not the unicycle or tricycle…………… the road is too rocky here anyhow, so no big deal untill concrete is invented, then 4 wheel types will take over…………………

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  3. Wizanim
    ChessPirate  about 10 years ago

    No problem, guys. Just call it “walking”…

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  4. Blinky3
    ghretighoti  about 10 years ago

    We should probably all go back to quadripedalism. And avoid the whole problem that “Idle hands are the devil’s workshop”.

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  5. Missing large
    dv-chris  about 10 years ago

    So, given the comments I’ve read here, suddenly I’m realising a quadruped must be a legless animal with four pedals… now that could be useful!!

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