Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for February 01, 2015

  1. Snoopy pensive typewriter
    The Life I Draw Upon  about 10 years ago

    The Danae-Lucy Symbiotic Theory.

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    wrwallaceii  about 10 years ago

    Hello…hello? Calvin… Hobbes?

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    Argythree  about 10 years ago

    I knew Wiley had a reason for all those great bears…

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    Varnes  about 10 years ago

    4th panel, best rendering of Danae ever….

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  5. 11 06 126
    Varnes  about 10 years ago

    And, nope, there won’t be any time wasting theories on this site today……..Nope!….No disputes, here baby…….Oh, sure, there will probably be some gravity deniers…Can’t get away from the wacky doodles….

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  6. 1988 06 05edit
    awgiedawgie Premium Member about 10 years ago

    I’d say it’s a bit late for them to be considering the “theory” of gravity. The one they should be concerned about now is inertia.

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  7. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  about 10 years ago

    And “Indiana Danae” is about to land in a river in northern India??? Watch out for the guy with the hot rocks!

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  8. Plumbbob wilson
    Plumbob Wilson  about 10 years ago

    Why is the “Dead Man’s Hill” routine such a comic standard? Guild rules?

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  9. Camera1 016
    keenanthelibrarian  about 10 years ago

    I think the message is that we’ve all worked together to make the world go round.

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  10. Me 2015
    puddlesplatt  about 10 years ago

    and what in hades do cats do, other than that?

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  11. Strega
    P51Strega  about 10 years ago


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    masingermo  about 10 years ago

    Imitation is the sincerest form of Wiley.

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    dabugger  about 10 years ago

    I wonder if there are those who also just don’t believe in gravity Our heroes will arrive about ouch.

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    sukiec  about 10 years ago

    Ah, so part of Danae’s problem is that she does not know the difference between a hypothesis and a theory. Add onto that the difficulty that common usage of the word “theory” differs substantially from the scientific definition. Heck, forget about adding; the comprehension problems caused by people not understanding that such terms differ goes waaaaaaay beyond additive or multiplicative.

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  15. Imagescaxtkub3
    Calvins Brother  about 10 years ago

    A theory is just a theory until it comes up against reality.

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    Louie-louie55  about 10 years ago


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    jahoody  about 10 years ago

    that is the best pun of the day, RW.

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  18. Hpqscan0023
    Q4horse  about 10 years ago

    The horse domesticated the humans. Any horse person knows this. Just visit any stable and see who is doing all the work, mucking and hauling and feeding!!!

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  19. Jack benny 02
    Kali39  about 10 years ago

    During one Road Runner cartoon, the Coyote chased the Road Runner off the cliff, but the Road Runner kept running and the Coyote promptly fell to the bottom. Coyote looks up, sees Road Runner still floating in the air, and Coyote holds up a sign saying, “I wouldn’t mind this normally, but he breaks the laws of physics.” Road Runner responded with his own sign, “Yes, but I never studied law.” :-)

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  20. Pa220005
    Fido (aka Felix Rex)  about 10 years ago

    Gravity is weak as water, but it always wins.

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  21. 2006 afl collingwood
    nosirrom  about 10 years ago

    In discussing gravity, we can talk about the law that describes the attraction between two objects, and we can also talk about the theory that describes why the objects attract each other.

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  22. Inkblot2
    Ink blot Premium Member about 10 years ago

    There are several theories of gravity — it remains one of the mysteries of science. There’s also the well-known “Law of Gravitation” — but, that’s descriptive, not explanatory.

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  23. Siberian tigers 22
    Hunter7  about 10 years ago

    “LOOK!!! It’s Lucy in the sky, with Danae, mon!”read them all – yours is perfect. Thank you. But darn! I now have an earworm.

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    hippogriff  about 10 years ago

    TexTech: Actually, skunks and owls are far better mousers. Unfortunately, since few birds have olfactory sense (turkey vulture an exception) great horned owls are the most serious predator of skunks other than humans.

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    hippogriff  about 10 years ago

    SaskSledDog: Yes, but some of those Belgian cart dogs are about the size of a Shetland pony.

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