Frazz by Jef Mallett for January 19, 2015

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    KZ71  about 10 years ago

    Thank you Caulfield. Always the insightful one.

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    alviebird  about 10 years ago

    I bottle my own water. I like the Smartwater bottles best because, of the ones that fit on my bike, they hold the most water. I fill them from my Pur faucet mount filter.

    If you aren’t drinking filtered water, you are the filter. And I don’t trust commercial bottlers to do it right.

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    Chrisdiaz801  about 10 years ago

    Awesome words for this day honoring the man who made this moment(and the election of Barack Obama)possible.

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    Olddog1  about 10 years ago

    Anybody compared the price of milk, gasoline and bottled water lately? Is that progress?

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    felinefan55 Premium Member about 10 years ago

    On the subject of the actual strip it still amazes me that people ever thought that there should be 2 standards. My daughter is married to a Marine. She’s white (very white, takes after me strawberry-blond & very pale skin) and he’s black. I see these things on the news and I worry for HIS safety. He did 4 tours in Iraq, but I am more worried about him here in the US. His brother and my girls have been friends since 2003. One night I drove the brother and another friend of the girls (since kindergarten) (he’s half white, 1/4 black &1/4 Puerto Rican. In other words he “looks” dark) home. They were still in high school, so 2005-2006ish. We are all standing at the back of my car: a 30ish white chick, 2 white teen girls and 2 “black” teen boys. We were just saying goodbye. Anyway a county sheriff (white) stopped to “make sure everything was ok”. Considering when I have needed the police to pull over and help (I was flashing my lights and honking my horn) and was totally ignored this episode has always stuck in my craw.

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    jessegooddoggy  about 10 years ago

    I fill my bottles at a local desert spring, but occassionally purchase Smartwater for the skinny size to carry extra when hiking.

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    Seed_drill  about 10 years ago

    It’s flu season. I thinks that’s enough reason to avoid fountains.

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    hippogriff  about 10 years ago

    Amazing how many comments avoided the point of the cartoon. I suppose you had to have lived back then to understand how much and how little progress has been made.

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  9. Lucy2
    IQTech61  about 10 years ago

    My parents thought it was ridiculous to buy bottles of water when you could fill a bottle from your own faucet.

    Now, the chairman of Nestle is pushing the idea that water is a commodity and he should be in charge of it. Sadly, he’s winning because so many have embraced his idea that everything is a commodity and someone needs to own it for us to buy it.

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  10. Giphy
    innertuber  about 10 years ago

    Some of you may know that the water from springs and wells contains lots of old minerals that do nothing but cause problems. See studies comparing cancer rates of people living on glacial or snow produced water vs. those drinking spring water. After a lifetime of severe acid issues, I now drink distilled water and have no problems. Almost a miracle.

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    hippogriff  about 10 years ago

    comicsssfan: It is a touchy subject because no one will discuss it, and because too many will propagandize it. Real discussion is needed or it will remain a touchy subject and people will continue to suffer because of it.

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    Jhony-Yermo  almost 2 years ago

    I just run the water right out of the tap. 70 years and doing fine thank you

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    FrankTAW  over 1 year ago

    It’s a good thing for you that you don’t live in Flint.

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