Close to Home by John McPherson for March 07, 2015

  1. Chaonotext2
    jeremiahcatclaw  about 10 years ago

    They have prom in college?

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    charliefarmrhere  about 10 years ago

    Looks like High School. Why did you assume it was college?

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    chizzel  about 10 years ago

    101 is for high school, 102 is for college.

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    cdward  about 10 years ago

    Though it’s kind of pointless to quibble over course titles in comics, I’ll do it anyway. 101-102 course can be both high school and college, depending on local usage. Often, 101 denotes first semester while 102 denotes second semester. Thus, when I read it, I assumed it was second semester of high school. Am I right? I doubt it really matters.

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  5. Ugly poor
    Prey  about 10 years ago

    Lauding a university in the principality. Nobel IUM

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  6. Tarot
    Nighthawks Premium Member about 10 years ago

    well, they won’t have to wear green for St. Pat’s day

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    hippogriff  about 10 years ago

    Standard nomenclature (rapidly becoming extinct) has the first digit representing the year and the remainder the specific course, often in increasing level of difficulty.

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    Bob.  about 10 years ago

    My first chemistry course in college was simply Chem 4. That was freshman year.

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    hippogriff  about 10 years ago

    Bob: In that nomenclature, it should have been 1. Were the smaller ones remedial courses, or were your High School grades sufficient for you to skip the more basic classes?

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    Bob.  about 10 years ago

    Chem 4 was for the chemistry majors, engineers and pre-med types. Chem 1 was an intro .

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