For Better or For Worse by Lynn Johnston for March 29, 2015

  1. B986e866 14d0 4607 bdb4 5d76d7b56ddb
    Templo S.U.D.  almost 10 years ago

    Just about three more months.

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  2. Cathyfacepalm
    lightenup Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    That’s quite a hairy fish, Michael! :-)

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  3. Balloon32
    freewaydog  almost 10 years ago

    We ain’t gettin’ summer at this rate!

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  4. Bth baby puppies1111111111 1
    kab2rb  almost 10 years ago

    For us one and half more months kids out of school. They know how Michael feels.

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    JennyJenkins  almost 10 years ago

    I read the Sunday commix on line because the newspaper cuts off the top set up panels all the time.

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  6. King
    blackdawne  almost 10 years ago

    Catch and Release.

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  7. Celtic tree of life
    mourdac Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    Friend and I used to dogfish with a milk bone and his standard poodle, Casey. It was hilarious.

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    poodles27  almost 10 years ago

    Uh Mike, that’s a dog, not a fish! Lol!

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    westny77  almost 10 years ago

    I’m surprised the dog did not maul him.

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  10. Pa220005
    Fido (aka Felix Rex)  almost 10 years ago

    Spring Break now — then 10 long weeks until the end of the semester. Middle School teachers really need that break this time of year.

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  11. Dichromatic cat avatar  400px
    Meowmocha  almost 10 years ago

    I don’t think Farley enjoyed the game as much as Mike did. That was a dirty trick.And if Michael looks forward to summer, Farley looks forward to when Mike goes out to play with friends, or goes to school, or somewhere that a bored Mike will not torment him.

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