Frazz by Jef Mallett for April 05, 2015
Caulfield: This time of year...Could an atlantic coastal vortex produce strong winds halfway to holyoke? Mrs. Olsen: What? Caulfield: Could an easter nor'easter reach at least to leicester? Frazz: Mrs. Olsen complained of a pain in her keister. Caulfield: Someone must have teased her.
Ironic Eggbeater almost 10 years ago
He’s a poet, but he don’t know it.
HeckleMeElmo almost 10 years ago
If she’d paid for it he would have fleeced her.
DangerBunny almost 10 years ago
Pastis alert!
TheSkulker almost 10 years ago
As I was told by a native North Carolinian, there are two ways to pronounce Leicester – depending on where one is from or emigrated to. In colonial times, you learned under pain of death to pronounce it right for the region you were in.
Richard Howland-Bolton Premium Member almost 10 years ago
Does he REALLY pronounce ‘Leicester’ to rhyme with ‘Easter’?Is that usual in the US?
bruinsfan77 almost 10 years ago
Leicester, Massachusetts is pronounced LESTER.
Sportymonk almost 10 years ago
Holyoke = City in Massachusetts
Fido (aka Felix Rex) almost 10 years ago
“Mr. Mallet, I have Mr. Pastis’ lawyer on line two.”
Kev_a_Swing_Dancer Premium Member almost 10 years ago
Correct. The geometry is correct for Massachusetts, but the town pronunciation does not fit the rhyming scheme; it’s “lester”, as is that of the Leicester in England it was named after. (not always the case here in MA. That last bit was a surprise to me just now.)
Elmer Gantry Fudd almost 10 years ago
It’s really a tragedy when someone constructs a joke to demonstrate how awesomely smart they are, but screws up the pronunciation.
rekam Premium Member almost 10 years ago
Friend in England called “Beaulieu” “Bewley” when we were there. Guess that’s how it’s pronounced over there.
tammyspeakslife Premium Member almost 10 years ago
Happy Easter
K M almost 10 years ago
@richardelguruOf all the areas in the US that are named Leicester, most pronounce it LESS-ter; in Vermont it’s LIE-ster. I haven’t found anywhere in the US it’s pronounced LEE-ster. Happy Easter!
FrankTAW over 1 year ago
I love the looks on the faces of the other kids in the class. Like “why are you wasting our time again?”