Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for April 02, 2015
Quill: "That old warehouse where we had our halloween party? Great space! It's still empty, you know" Dad: "I know! I've, uh, seen the sign...." Luann: "I'm ready!" Quill: "Time to go make art" Dad: ""Go make art" Is that something I should worry about?" Mom: ""I know!" Is that something I should worry about?"
JayBluE almost 10 years ago
See? Frank’s no dummy! If he’s going to do something stupid, he’s going to do his best to hide it, wait until the last possible moment, and then once he gets caught, he’ll then “whip out” his phone. He already has the florist and jewler on speed dial ….
Templo S.U.D. almost 10 years ago
They (whoever “they” are) sure come up with the most interesting new catch phrases.
JayBluE almost 10 years ago
“What, Me Worry?”“Offer And On”“Give Me A Reason”“Red Flags, A Bull And A Lot Of China”“A Pre-Tempt-ive Strike”“…Know When To Hold ’Em….” (♫)“In-vestment Through The Out Door”“A Little ‘Scratch’ For A Spendin’ Itch”“Don’t Count Your Chickens Before The Plan Is Hatched”or“Frank And A Stalk OfBeans
ShagsCA almost 10 years ago
Wearhouse…where house…hohouse…anyhouse…it’s still rock and roll to me…
Namrepus almost 10 years ago
Nancy was practically sitting in Quill’s lap. That’s something Frank should worry about.
Angelalex242 almost 10 years ago
I wasn’t knocking up your daughter, we were…uh…just making ‘art.’ Cause yeah.
GOGOPOWERANGERS almost 10 years ago
walk of art(ist) Was that an innuendo for something when he said time to go make art?also where are they going i’m assuming its a museum
Meh~tdology, fka Pepelaputr almost 10 years ago
Investing money with TJ behind Nancy’s back are we, Frank ?
susanwobb almost 10 years ago
Maybe it would make a good wedding venue.
olivefoote almost 10 years ago
barbarasbrute almost 10 years ago
I’m betting that “go make art” is referring to drawing scenery for the play.
Caldonia almost 10 years ago
Next: a flashback to young Frank partying in the warehouse with his friends, and they find out it’s haunted
drewpamon almost 10 years ago
Yeah Nancy, Frank is excited about something, better nip that in the bud right now.
nate3766 almost 10 years ago
This comic is about a young teens growing up and the writer of the strip does all he can to give it a semi realistic insite into her life but also keeps all the sexual inuendos and comings and goings out of the comic..including the back stories..Brad and his fiancee etc yet there are so many readers and commentators’ who look for any and all and mostly try to make something out of absolutly nothing…Is it because4 most of them are teens them selves or are older but their lives and happenings are so shallow..Anyone got a clue..?
Sisyphos almost 10 years ago
Be afraid, Nancy, be very afraid! While Frank’s concern is probably unfounded, yours is on a solid (poured concrete) foundation. The only question remaining is, I fear, how much of the warehouse does Frank own?
Chuck374 almost 10 years ago
Nancy is as sharp as they come. She picked up on that pretty quickly.
Mordock999 Premium Member almost 10 years ago
Yeah. Sure. “Art” Frank. And Your HIGHLY Impressionable Daughter Is the “Canvas.”
So My Question IS: WHY Aren’t YOU Kicking the CRAP Outta Pretty-Boy???
eddie alexander Premium Member almost 10 years ago
The wife who’s husband has a comb-over has absolutely nothing to worry about.
seismic-2 Premium Member almost 10 years ago
Is Frank retired? What’s the DeGroots’ source of income these days? How worried should Nancy be, if Frank has risked a significant sum on a rental property that may turn out to stay empty?
seismic-2 Premium Member almost 10 years ago
As for whether Frank should be worried, I doubt it – Mr. Zebo seems to prefer offbeat projects, so he’s unlikely to give the art class more nearly conventional assignments, such as creating a sculpture of the male nude.
seismic-2 Premium Member almost 10 years ago
I think Zorky has moved out of the attic and is living in an apartment with Knute these days.
MeGoNow Premium Member almost 10 years ago
So………….. Her first grandchild will be names Art.
seismic-2 Premium Member almost 10 years ago
And Yes, a story arc based on Zorky would be far more interesting than one based on Quill, and it would be far less creepy than one based on Gunther.
Argy.Bargy2 almost 10 years ago
-marriage counseling-I’m beginning to understand your constant postings about how unhappy Nancy and Frank are. You must be a marriage counselor by profession, and you’re looking for business…
Argy.Bargy2 almost 10 years ago
Well, I’m about to have a scan to see if I have a tumor on my pancreas, and I doubt that is from tea…
Jim Kerner almost 10 years ago
Oh Puddles. You’re going to have company in your house for a couple of days.
Argy.Bargy2 almost 10 years ago
Thanks for your good wishes. I am living in denial right now, since I have friends who died of pancreatic cancer. There seems to be no real protocol on that one.-I’m hoping for pancreatitis, if anything. That’s not good, but isn’t as much of a death sentence.-Oh, well, I’m pretty amazed to have made it to age 65 with the aggressive digestive disorder I inherited from my father. We lost him at the age of 40; about the same age his own father was when he died of the same thing…-Sorry to be such a Debby Downer..
Petemejia77 almost 10 years ago
I make Fart! Every morning! :)
TORAD_07 almost 10 years ago
<h1>Torad<h1> produces font this size:
Thanks. To be honest, I had not yet pursued those other HTML tags because I wasn’t certain of their success, given that the tag was deprecated. I guess they’re moving more toward HTML5. I tried some <span> features, but those didn’t work either.
I guess I’ll have to check them all out. Might see some “Test” posts that appear and disappear. I’ll try to keep it to a minimum.
RSH almost 10 years ago
I don’t think I have ever seen Frank look quite so excited as he does (for some reason) today in the 1st panel.
TORAD_07 almost 10 years ago
If you’re worried about people seeing you test code, just go back to an earlier strip and test there where no one is looking.
No need. I was able to complete some testing here.
It seems that some HTML5 things work, and some do not. As a general rule, it “works” if the tag doesn’t require qualifying arguments (e.g. a “style” argument). That’s not totally true as the “<a>” and the “<img>” tags work with their arguments.
Some things that work (so far):<b> bold<strong> strong<i> italics<em> emphasis(italics)<small> small typeface<ins>inserted (underlined) text<del> Delete/strike <sub> subscript text<sup> superscript text
Things that don’t work (so far):
<mark> Highlighted Text
TORAD_07 almost 10 years ago
The block quotes do not function anymore, also. :(
Test of the <blockquote> tag.
This is a test of the Blockquote command. You see, it actually does work.Or, perhaps you meant a different quote cmd (i.e. the <q> tag)?
Argy.Bargy2 almost 10 years ago
Argy.Bargy2 almost 10 years ago
Many thanks, can use all the prayers I can get…
The Old Wolf almost 10 years ago
I once did a style guide for everything here, but it’s sadly out of date. I need to update it.@argy.bargy2: Sending you good energy. I hope it’s nothing.
TORAD_07 almost 10 years ago
The text of the block quote still appears, but the colored background and the colored border I used to use does not.
Just what I was going to ask you.
As stated, it seems that tags that require arguments won’t render properly. The arguments won’t be accepted. Only the tag itself.
ACTIVIST1234 almost 10 years ago
Getting back to the strip, why does Lu have to shower & dress up to have Qu help her with school work? Or even for a makeout session?*Back in the day, when my guy came over, we were both “as is”, since we knew each other too well to try to impress the other. Is dressing for a date now required for a home visit?
ACTIVIST1234 almost 10 years ago
“Zorky” ( the blue-skinned sibling of Luann and Brad)”*I know Zorky, and he is a friend of mine. The picture you show of the three siblings— Brad, Lu when she finds out about her lost brother, and Zorky— is priceless! But when did Zorky change from flue-skin to green-skin? Was it the same time as the transgender operation?
TORAD_07 almost 10 years ago
I happen to like yellow hominy myself. Fried some up the other night.
They’re also very good with shrimp. ;-) Mmmm.
31768 almost 10 years ago
worrying parents are what made Tylenol its fortune…..
JayBluE almost 10 years ago
So sorry!!!!
JayBluE almost 10 years ago
Could be the makings of a movie- “Torad, Torad, Torad”… of course, it can be set in peace time, though!!!
JayBluE almost 10 years ago
Wow!!!! Quick trigger, much?
JayBluE almost 10 years ago
And, plus, the “fake link” was a reference to a discovery that a few of us had made a few days ago, and Brd was reiterating his explanation (similar to what he had also explained at that time), of what was going on, from then ….
JayBluE almost 10 years ago
I was also thinking that limiting the use of certain tags, etc. was to “crack down” on abuse…or the “potential” for such, thereof, of extensive links, posts, videos (potential for copyright suits in the case of linking to outside videos, whether or not such would have been infringing) and such…
JayBluE almost 10 years ago
“Opportuni-Tease”“Strike While The Iron Is On Standby”“A Stich In Time Saves Nein, Fraulein”“Little Warehouse On The Prarie”“Give A Chance, Take A Chance”“How To Succeed In Business Without Begging”“The Wind(fall) In Your Sales”“The First Pitch And The Closer " (coming soon!)or“Assume The Proposition”