Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for March 26, 2015
Ned: The older I get, the less I believe there are any universal truths. Every rule seems to have an exception. Man: Not quite. We'll always have "the government lies"... Ned: Oh, I refuse to buy into such a simplistic meme as absolute truth. Man: And yet, you offer nothing to refute it. Ned: Hang on...I'm workin' on it.
Superfrog almost 10 years ago
Absolute universal truth only exists as a temporary local phenomenon.
phylum almost 10 years ago
that the truth shall set you free is the biggest lie ever fact it got me grounded several times before I realized the biggest lie ever told is the truth…
The Life I Draw Upon almost 10 years ago
Those who say they know “The Truth” lie.
Arianne almost 10 years ago
What about “Absolute power corrupts absolutely” ? Is that not an absolute truth? It’s an “absolute” truism, at least.
Brass Orchid Premium Member almost 10 years ago
“It’s not a lie if you believe it.”-George Castanza
tripwire45 almost 10 years ago
Everybody lies, especially the Government.
burgarman almost 10 years ago
how about “This too shall pass”.
Varnes almost 10 years ago
The government is made up of our neighbors….Can’t find anybody else for the job…The government is us….Get over it…
puddleglum1066 almost 10 years ago
Notice that he didn’t say “the government always lies,” so as long as the government’s lied at least once during his (unspecified) sampling period, he’s stating a fact.
However, if you look at the bigger picture, the government is one of the more honest institutions around. We are unhappy that it doesn’t tell the truth all the time, but it tells the truth more often than, say, just about any corporation. Or any executive I’ve ever met in the private sector. Or any business that’s trying to sell me something…
Dour Scotsman almost 10 years ago
“Now, why would you declare that corporations lie more often than governments? Where did that come from? You BELIEVE it to be so. You don’t KNOW it to be so.”
Nonsense, its a rational position. Firstly I’ve worked for 30 years in Corporate America, Secondly there are transparency laws on Gov. and few on Corps and about zero on privately held companies……..lastly tort cases repeatedly show how companies lie and cover up.
Yes Govs lie, but not even remotely on the scale of Companies and we an easy remedy for those in gov that lie to us.Much of what people call lies by Gov. is simply because politicians over simplify a subject for their audience. An example is the “you can keep your insurance”…….well yes you could, but only if the Private insurance Companies wanted to keep offering it (with the minor tweaks required to meet the ACA) rather than take advantage of the chance to raise rates and blaming someone else.
puddlesplatt almost 10 years ago
truth can be so boring…telling your fatassed wife of 45 years, that she is still beautiful.
dabugger almost 10 years ago
Ok, now that we have eliminated every other word not connected to lie, truth and what-da-hell-ever what is new or left? How about sign language. I got just one word for all that verbiage—on one hand, one digit……
matzam Premium Member almost 10 years ago
everybody lies
jahoody almost 10 years ago
Pogo said it best: “We have met the enemy and he is us”
sarah413 Premium Member almost 10 years ago
There’s nothing so bad that the government can’t make worse.
Packratjohn Premium Member almost 10 years ago
A line from one of my favorite operas is, “We all have truths; are mine the same as yours?”
PShaw0423 almost 10 years ago
This is interesting…. Someone once remarked that reality is that which, when you refuse to believe it, doesn’t go away. The same can be said for the truth, because “truth” and “reality” are the same thing. Absolute truth does indeed exist — ask any mathematician
meandtoo almost 10 years ago
‘There is no absolute truth’ if taken, as an absolute truth, is itself a self-denying absurdity otherwise it is a false statement.
Mark Jackson Premium Member almost 10 years ago
“Every government is run by liars and nothing they say should be believed.” – I. F. Stone
Argy.Bargy2 almost 10 years ago
I know it feels that way, most of the time. But local government CAN much more frequently be controlled by local people.-Just recently, one of the small towns near me in Central Florida had an election for Mayor. The winner won by about 200 votes. If some of those now gripping about him had voted instead of giving up on it, the result could easily have been thrown into a run-off (second election) because the count was so close.-Just two years ago, the district for the Florida House of Representatives where I live voted out someone who was very powerful in the Republican party and was next in line for Speaker of the House, because the guy was obviously out for his own good and ignoring those in his district (especially veterans who have been asking for a state health clinic for a long time.)-The guy who WAS elected was not only a Democrat (in a very Republican district), but was a vet and a former fire fighter. Of course, he was thrown out in the NEXT election, but the fact that he won to begin with, on his own dime, since the Democratic party didn’t even help him, shows that at the local level it is still possible for the 90% to have some representation.
dflak almost 10 years ago
Define “lie.”
matzam Premium Member almost 10 years ago
pogo isn’t a misquote , its a satirical line from a comic strip
Brojohnm almost 10 years ago
The Truth Will set you free; but first, it will make you miserable.
kaystari Premium Member almost 10 years ago
Excuse me, rules are not necessarily “Truth”, they are made up compromises.
Here is an example of a Truth, “Hitler did a bad thing in killing 7 million Pollocks and 6 million Jews.” Will anyone say that is just a matter of opinion? That He really did a good thing, or a neutral thing?
Still don’t believe in absolutes? Any random stranger comes up to you and belts you one in the mouth for no reason, how do you feel? Was something “unjust” done to you? Hmmm, interesting.
Wiley, soon as you get off your high horse of accusing religion of messing things up with insisting on there being “absolutes” the sooner we can all get along and be nicer to each other. It starts with ourselves, man, just do it.Wiley,
Squoop almost 10 years ago
If every rule has an exception, then there must be an exception to the rule that every rule has an exception, thereby disproving itself.
Varnes almost 10 years ago
GuiltyBystander, you tell your neighbors that! In a democracy, some people lose…Get over it. You obviously don’t have enough people voting your way…Just go out and get more people to vote like you…Taking your money away, huh? Don’t want to support your country, huh? Coward. I’m a man and I love my country. And I’m willing to put my money where my mouth is..Unlike you….I love paying taxes as much as I love my country,. I don’t think you love either one you cheap, selfish person you…
live.the.future almost 10 years ago
“There are no universal truths?” Is that a universal truth?
Boom. Self-refuting.
Brass Orchid Premium Member almost 10 years ago
I just want a bigger government that I can run over things like a monster truck.
Brass Orchid Premium Member almost 10 years ago
There is no evidence of evolution.There is evidence of natural selection.Go ahead and provide evidence that there are changes to species by random mutations which are viable and able to cause sufficient differentiation to create new orders and phylum and you will certainly win a Nobel Prize at the very least. You cannot prove the presence of an effect by its obvious absence, even if your effect is evolution and not god.