Phoebe and Her Unicorn by Dana Simpson for April 14, 2015
Phoebe: This girl at school is mean to me for no reason. Mom: Just ignore her. Dad: It builds character. Mom: She isn't worth getting upset about. Dad: She's just insecure. She's jealous of your awesomeness Mom: WE think you're cool. Dad:I can talk to her dad. Mom: Did we suggest ignoring her, yet? Phoebe: I'm just going to Google this.
BRI-NO-MITE!! Premium Member almost 10 years ago
They didn’t say, “Introduce her to Mr Fist.”I guess that’s to their credit.
Templo S.U.D. almost 10 years ago
Why not use Yahoo! Answers? There’s bound to get various solutions (though the trouble is picking the Best Answer).
R.U. Kidding almost 10 years ago
Forget Google, Phoebe. Where do you think the parents got all those lame suggestions?
Katsuro Premium Member almost 10 years ago
“Just ignore her”? In what parallell universe does that actually work?
Lyons Group, Inc. almost 10 years ago
Okay this question is going be asked again today because it was ignored yesterday by comic strip’s creator, and is you Dana: Is Phoebe a representation of yourself?
Ratiocinator almost 10 years ago
Congratulations, Phoebe’s parents! You are the new holders of the world record for “Greatest Amount Of Useless Advice Crammed Into A Mere Three Panels Of Dialogue”!
djhaisell Premium Member almost 10 years ago
Because ignoring someone always works. Telling your kid to ignore bullies is just the parents’/school’s way of ignoring the problem and hoping it will go away.
Comic Minister Premium Member almost 10 years ago
Good talk guys.
mr_sherman Premium Member almost 10 years ago
We have to realize this is kind of a reboot. If you’ll recall last Halloween Dakota and Phoebe are somewhat friends.
BloodMoonDragon13 almost 3 years ago
Unhelpful parenting advice? Go to Google! The “most reliable” source on the Internet!