Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for March 31, 2015

  1. Missing large
    Angaraian  almost 10 years ago

    The chap sitting in the overstuffed chair should be the first to walk

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  2. 1682106 inline inline 2 mel brooks master
    Can't Sleep  almost 10 years ago

    Time to see if that desk can float.

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  3. Onion news1186.article
    Randy B Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    FYI, the distress flag should be on an orange or red background.(Perhaps it could be colored with the executive’s blood?)

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    wrwallaceii  almost 10 years ago

    Funny, I don’t see anyone else pulling their own weight
 No oars or paddles? No sail? I don’t see a problem here.

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  5. Jack benny 02
    Kali39  almost 10 years ago

    From MST3K: Lost Continent – Crow: “I’m going to ask this once again, and it’s only for the sake of conversation, but what do you think is the tastiest part of the human body? Hands?”

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    Superfrog  almost 10 years ago

    Everyone gets a casting vote.

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    strictures  almost 10 years ago

    Nah, too much fat.You want lean muscle on them.

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  8. Not quite 70
    unnormal  almost 10 years ago

    Seems to me that the end of the raft supporting the desk — along with its overweight occupant — would be low enough in the water to be jeopardizing all occupants of the raft.Time for a vote.

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  9. Idano
    Ida No  almost 10 years ago

    Better makes sure to exclude proxy votes.

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  10. Duck1275
    Brass Orchid Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    I’d say the first to be voted out should be the captain, but he probably wouldn’t get into a life boat with the little people. He’s probably in a powered speedboat with his security detail, halfway to the nearest civilized shore.

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    jmarkoff2  almost 10 years ago

    What is the significance of the symbols on the flag?

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    maldo  almost 10 years ago

    If anyone cares, the flag on the raft is the Morse code symbol for the letter “N.”

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  13. Abby  2
    Ainimache Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    Thank you, I was wondering!

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  14. Blue boy
    dr_dolittle_rwc  almost 10 years ago

    The answer is obvious, but would only be viewed as mob mentality.

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    Honorable Mention In The Banjo Toss Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    Yeah, time for some corporate downsizing.

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    dabugger  almost 10 years ago

    Where is the ship’s crew? Did they already get over ruled? What of other passengers? Looks like that vessel is no skiff.

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  17. Snoopy pensive typewriter
    The Life I Draw Upon  almost 10 years ago

    He will counter with an unilateral executive order.

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    Duncan Idaho  almost 10 years ago

    It seems the only one who was prepared for the worst is the CEO. He’s got a desk, a drink, a suit, and he’s probably already called the Coast Guard on his satellite phone.

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  19. Quitedragon 8
    QuiteDragon  almost 10 years ago

    For the win. Well done.

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    CaptXpendable  almost 10 years ago


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  21. Inbox 4660
    goweeder  almost 10 years ago

    “,,,,,,with RAFTCO’s orderly operation, while maintaining DESK Inc’s ongoing commitment to keeping the company afloat.”~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You have missed your calling
.. You have an amazing way with words. You should have been a writer. You would have been my favorite author.

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  22. Daffy duck   freakout   icon
    sperry532  almost 10 years ago

    Flag needs to be rotated so the square is above the ball. It should look like a squished exclamation point.

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    bm_jsimmons  almost 10 years ago

    What does the flag say?

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    Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    Eat the Rich

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  25. Anim chromosomes
    chromosome Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    I checked it out. It means "The first is the International Code of Signals signal for “I am in distress and require immediate assistance,” the ICS code flags N and C (known as NOVEMBER and CHARLIE."

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  26. Downloadfile
    Guilty Bystander  almost 10 years ago

    But how do you vote for Common Sense BEFORE you sacrifice it? Easier to just ignore it altogether, I suppose.

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  27. Neat  33
    Neat '33  almost 10 years ago

    With my old eyes, it’s hard to tell if that isn’t old Rancid Veeblemiser sitting at that desk ???

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  28. 1682106 inline inline 2 mel brooks master
    Can't Sleep  almost 10 years ago

    If fat is energy, then I, sadly, am James Bay.-————James Bay? Isn’t that’s the southernmost part of Hudson Bay, in Ontario, Canada?

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    Argy.Bargy2  almost 10 years ago

    Just to be a contrarian: Has anyone defined ‘the greater good’ yet?

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  30. Pa220005
    Fido (aka Felix Rex)  almost 10 years ago

    This reminds me of the Hitchcock gem “Lifeboat”

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  31. Sam and ralph clock
    alangwatkins  almost 10 years ago

    Push him off before he gets an upper hand!!!!

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    hippogriff  almost 10 years ago

    chromosome: N without .. ? Far more effective would be a radar reflector and just any old flag knotted on the lower outside corner.

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    hippogriff  almost 10 years ago

    chromosome: N without dah di dah dit ? Far more effective would be a radar reflector and just any old flag knotted on the lower outside corner.

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