Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling for April 03, 2015
Lo, in the land of Indiana did come to a baker two men who lie with one another. Baker: Sorry, Im not going to sell you a cake! Yea, a new law in the land allowed the baker to discriminate against such people. Baker: Im required to! Its my religion! And then did come to the baker a women with her head uncovered and he did refuse her business Baker: wait what? Verily, for that was explicitly prohibited by this religious sect, which he did follow strictly. Baker: whoa! You're right...Um... And then did come to the baker a man of great riches and many possessions, Rich guy: My company needs 500 cakes a week! But. lo did the righteous baker refuse his business, for he did follow all his religious texts and teachings. Baker: Oh, come on! that camel-through-the eye-of - a needle thing isn't meant to be taken seriously! So it came to pass that the baker had no customers , and he was soon upon bankruptcy and ruin. And the two men who lie with each other did return to him with a kind of patronage. Men: wed like to buy a cake. Baker: But...why would you forgive me? We're required to. its our religion! Baker: See, this takes all of the fun out of discrimination!
gammaguy almost 10 years ago
Oy vey!
jmarkoff2 almost 10 years ago
Brilliant portrayal of the double edged sword which this insane Indiana idea could easily become.
SKJAM! Premium Member almost 10 years ago
Mind you, the bakers and florists are mostly decoys; it’s the life-necessary services that would also be allowed to discriminate that would cause real problems.
disinterest almost 10 years ago
Wait… who would perform executions in Texas if it violates a commandment?
Would everyone have to find an agnostic/atheist lawyer if you were going to pay him/her to lie for you?
Are we to believe that folks just pick and choose which parts of their religious texts that they decide to follow?
steverinoCT almost 10 years ago
Remember how Jews became bankers because of Christian religious strictures against lending money at interest.
DarkHorseSki almost 10 years ago
Oh Snap!!
QuiteDragon almost 10 years ago
This comic posts a day or more earlier on; a commenter there linked to this video:
West Wing smackdown.
androgenoide almost 10 years ago
Freedom, like all good things, has its limits. Just as your right to swing your arms ends just where the other man’s nose begins, your freedom of religion ends at the point where you impose it on others.Many of the supporters and most of the detractors of the Indiana law believe that it gives people the right to impose their beliefs on others. Whether it actually does that depends on which lawyer has the most persuasive argument. The point may be moot in the case of LGBT discrimination since the lawmakers are rushing to close that particular loophole but that doesn’t mean that it actually promotes freedom.
Packratjohn Premium Member almost 10 years ago
Let’s put this into perspective. Indiana, specifically the governor at the time, Mr. Welsh, banned the song “Louie, Louie” by the Kingsmen, because “it was laced with profanity”…. Now don’t get me wrong, I like Indiana. I lived in South Bend for many years. I have a child and a grandchild who were born in Indiana. But, having said that, I will admit the Great State of Indiana has pulled some odd stunts.(yes, I posted this in Ted Rall’s strip also)
joe19 almost 10 years ago
Would Rastafarians be allowed to smoke ganja under religious freedom laws?
Kip W almost 10 years ago
I’m still waiting to hear an announcement of the First Indiana Church of the Gay Gay Gay.
craigwestlake almost 10 years ago
I think it’s amusing that the prohibitions concerning homosexuality were added to the Bible around the fifth century in order to help cut down problems in the monasteries.There are a couple of good books out on the subject.
BRI-NO-MITE!! Premium Member almost 10 years ago
It was just a few months ago that a minister was being sued by a gay couple for refusing to perform their wedding, though it went against his beliefs.
markjoseph125 almost 10 years ago
Superb cartoon!
CougarAllen almost 10 years ago
I should have specified I was asking for a citation for “It was just a few months ago that a minister was being sued by a gay couple for refusing to perform their wedding, though it went against his beliefs.”
jessegmckay almost 10 years ago
Once again, Tom The Dancing Bug purposely denigrates us, misstates and ridicules our position, and deliberately conflates that which we understand God has called an abomination with some minor little Israelite technicality. Homosexuality is more than just sexual confusion, it is a perversion against the order of nature and an offense to God and man. Homosexuality is the most promiscuous of the perversions, it lowers the status of women in every society that welcomes it, and it sexualizes children and makes them into prey for pederasty. And here comes Tom’s cartoon depicting the always-backward Christian homophobe baker who refuses to sell a cake to Neal and Bob. Panel after panel, the Christian dunce is shown to be a hypocrite loser and finally the homos return to save the day after the Christian repents for his gay-hatred. Folks, Jesus did not command his followers to embrace or tolerate homosexuality — and we already know this is an abomination before God — and there is certainly no scripture that encourages legalizing such a thing where it is presently not lawful.
doris sloan almost 10 years ago
How about I want a cake from a gay baker that says “Homos are disgusting”? Is that going to be allowed? Just who is going to be allowed to discriminate, eh?
risingangel almost 10 years ago
And Liberal Atheists strike out again. The “eye of a needle” comment is referring to someone who loves his money more than he loves God.