neverenoughgold: Not quite. Books aren’t burned, just not published. With congressional attempts to kill net neutrality still continuing, even that samizdat is endangered.
Leo Autodidact: Oral tradition is reliable in preliterate cultures, especially if they had specific persons entrusted to remember these things like the Polynesian talking chiefs. Will Mariner records demonstrating the advantages of a written language while in Tonga. A talking chief admitted it had advantages, “but if it isn’t worth remembering, should it be preserved?”
TREEINTHEWIND almost 10 years ago
The case for printed textbooks…………
LeoAutodidact almost 10 years ago
Ah, “Oral Tradition” Another name for ‘Whisper down the line!’
. . . and as reliable.
Ubintold almost 10 years ago
It was only supposed to be a 3 hour tour.
NoCents almost 10 years ago
Jose can you see?
mggreen almost 10 years ago
There’s a bathroom on the right
drdougsteward almost 10 years ago
scuse me while I kiss this guy
neverenoughgold almost 10 years ago
“Fahrenheit 451” reality?
hippogriff almost 10 years ago
neverenoughgold: Not quite. Books aren’t burned, just not published. With congressional attempts to kill net neutrality still continuing, even that samizdat is endangered.
K M almost 10 years ago
Martin Landau played Count Ladislau Zark in “The Bat Cave Affair” episode of The Man from U.N.C.L.E., season 2, episode 28 (first aired 1 April 1966).
hippogriff almost 10 years ago
Leo Autodidact: Oral tradition is reliable in preliterate cultures, especially if they had specific persons entrusted to remember these things like the Polynesian talking chiefs. Will Mariner records demonstrating the advantages of a written language while in Tonga. A talking chief admitted it had advantages, “but if it isn’t worth remembering, should it be preserved?”