For Better or For Worse by Lynn Johnston for May 09, 2010

  1. 150606 petunias 003
    MontanaLady  almost 15 years ago

    Good for you, Annie……

    Steve says, Steve says……………..

    Annie works too hard!!!!

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  2. Deficon
    Coyoty Premium Member almost 15 years ago

    He better agree, or he may have strikes against him and maybe a split.

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  3. Beatnik 128x128
    ocean17  almost 15 years ago

    I give Elly full marks for this one. Good friend.

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  4. J0262810
    Wildmustang1262  almost 15 years ago

    Well, I have to say another same old words again. Happy Mother’s Day! :-)

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  5. 200px rorschach blot 01
    ses1066  almost 15 years ago

    Mom, I do so wish you were still here for me to call, send flowers or anything. Instead I send my love to heaven and say that I still think of you always. For all those out there with living mothers, treasure this time and for my fellow “members in loss”, remember that they still love us and always will!

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  6. Missing large
    Allison Nunn Premium Member almost 15 years ago

    From all I’ve heard of “Steve” he sounds like a class A self-centered jerk.

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  7. Princesses
    mcveinot  almost 15 years ago

    Avolunteer, he is. That is why we saw less and less of Annie the first time around because Steve was cheating and it reminded Lynn of her own experience with her ex, so they just kind of became less prominent characters. Will things change this time around? Maybe

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  8. Dreamer
    Donna White  almost 15 years ago

    Happy Mother’s Day to all you mothers out there. God Bless for all the hard work, love and tears.

    @ses1066 AMEN!

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  9. Cathyfacepalm
    lightenup Premium Member almost 15 years ago

    Being a mom is the hardest and best job out there. Happy Mother’s Day!

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  10. Silverknights
    JanLC  almost 15 years ago

    ses1066, I couldn’t have said it any better. I know I’ll see her again, but I miss her, sometimes to the point of tears even after all these years. So, now I’m off to the Faire with my son and plan to have a wonderful Mother’s Day!

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  11. Missing large
    NoahsMama  almost 15 years ago

    First I want to say “Yay Ellie!!” Moms work very hard (as do a lot of dads), and I think it’s appropriate to have a day dedicated to showing moms that it’s appreciated, as we do in June for Father’s day. I think it’s great that Ellie makes Annie realize she is a valuable person as a mother and should be recognized as such.

    Next, I don’t know what will happen in the strip. I didn’t read it much back in the day, but not I do follow it, and I bet that Steve isn’t saying “it’s too commericial”, or “we don’t celebrate holidays” to his mistress (as an earlier poster said he was cheating on Annie…scumbag!). He’s probably fobbing this bleeep off on Annie and spending the money on his “friend”.

    As I said, I didn’t follow the strip, but I sincerely hope that Annie finds someone else to care for her and treat her as she deserves…and Steve’s bit of fun found someone else to play with and left him all alone and miserable. It probably doesn’t turn out this way, but I can hope…

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  12. Missing large
    NoahsMama  almost 15 years ago

    By the way, HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY!!! I personally love being a mother, and am constantly amazed by the gift of my son. Being a mom is without a doubt the best thing to ever happen to me, and I thank God every night for all the blessings in my life, the first of which is my husband and son.

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  13. Missing large
    ireg  almost 15 years ago

    My only child by birth is grown and lives over 1,000 miles away.

    Yesterday, I was out and about with 4 bonus granddaughters. I went to a local store and my son “bought” a beautiful hanging basket of flowers. They are hanging right outside my bedroom window.

    Later, today when he calls I will tell him what he got for me and I will send a picture.

    Several mothers in the store were jealous of our unique relationship and wished their children would would allow them to choose their present.

    Time spent with your mother all year long is a wonderful present. My son spent two weeks visiting recently which filled my cup.

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  14. Wolf wolves howl
    Wolfdreamer250  almost 15 years ago

    Dont read this if you dont want spoilers. You’ve been warned.

    Noah’s Mom - Annie will never leave Steve. She will have two more children with him and eventually learn he has cheated on her many, many, many times while on business trips.

    Eventually, he will retire, when that happens Annie will get a job at a hotel, but as she explains to Elly she has become Steve’s warden to make sure he doesn’t do it again. Elly argues that thats not a good way to live, but Annie basicly says its the only way they can live together.

    So Annie will never find another to love.

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  15. 124836126 10224110425805978 8584177336050280575 o
    keltii  almost 15 years ago

    I got woken up by my 15 yr old daughter,, with a tray of muffins, tea, and yoghurt,, and for me thats alot! right now she is at the age of “her world, her way” drives me nuts but she still comes home on curfew and is smart enough to stay out of MAJOR troubles,,

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  16. 8487d5805da9012ee3bf00163e41dd5bfunny
    summerdog86  almost 15 years ago

    Happy Mother’s Day Mom!

    Feb. 1920 - Nov. 2004

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  17. Beehive
    poohbear8192  almost 15 years ago


    Has Lynn changed any of the story lines yet? I didn’t read back then. Maybe, just maybe Annie will manage a new outcome this time around.

    I just noticed that others are hoping for a better outcome.

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  18. Cat asks you to sign a contract
    notinksanymore  almost 15 years ago

    I don’t put too much stock in those arguments that holidays are just commercial enterprises. Sure, maybe the greeting card companies are making a buck off of them, but there is usually a valid, heartfelt sentiment behind the “special days” and its not hard to find inexpensive ways to recognize them. Refusing to recognize holidays because they’ve been commercialized makes me think that those people are incapable of thinking beyond the television commercial and finding ways to express their love and appreciation for their friends/family in a way that doesn’t cost money.

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  19. Missing large
    1148559  almost 15 years ago

    @ notinksanymore,

    I could not have said it better. I love holidays myself… and have adopted some from cultures/religions other than the culture I grew up with or my religion of choice.

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  20. T128
    Nelly55  almost 15 years ago

    not only was I blessed with two kids of my own, I was also blessed with 3 step-kids I inherited later in life. They all call me mom and send me cards and flowers on Mother’s Day. I am very, very lucky

    And to my dear departed mom, I miss you every day.

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  21. Moi est theo
    jaeldid66  almost 15 years ago

    My son is grown and flown too, and my new hubby (dad to my son died several years back) isn’t really a holiday kinda guy. So we don’t do anything on Mom’s day. But I usually get a call from my son, which makes my day!

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  22. Willy wonka factory
    dsom8  almost 15 years ago

    You can also celebrate the day without spending money in the commercialized way. And to the “Steves,” bowling with your buddies is not the way.

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  23. Shetland sheepdog
    ellisaana Premium Member almost 15 years ago

    Growing up, My mom’s 3 spring holidays were Mother’s Day, Easter and the first Saturday in April…each of those weekends, we went fly fishing…Mom’s choice, Dad enjoyed it, too.

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  24. Whatwouldblue
    mrslukeskywalker  almost 15 years ago

    That was good advice, and even better that Anne actually did handle the situation, and did it the right way. Now if only Elly would straighten out the things she has a problem with the same way she advised Anne to do, instead of having a meltdown.

    That’s my ONLY issue with Elly. All the screaming. Despite what anyone thinks of me. I do like this strip, or I wouldn’t read it.

    Happy Mother’s Day.

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  25. Beehive
    poohbear8192  almost 15 years ago

    Mrs. Luke:

    I’ve been reading through your comments and all I can say is that the vast majority of them come under the heading of Trash and Burn.

    From your rants, I can’t imagine that you like the strip other than the fact that it gives you another chance to do your own special brand of screaming.

    Lynn’s strip is about a wonderful family that like all other loving families a mix of smart and not so smart behavior. The strip is about real life situations, the fun and not so fun. The humor is gentle and affirming, especially when the characters are not living up to their own best hopes.

    You should try lightening up!

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  26. Iris icon
    doit  almost 15 years ago

    I can’t believe Anne would fall for that logic from her lazy husband. What does he demand when Father’s Day comes around? It’s a different story then, I’m sure.

    Is attacking people for commenting the norm here? All I see is a bunch of foul personalities that gang up on certain people and think that they are somehow better people than those they are trying to bully. The comments here are the most unfriendly, inhuman trash I ever saw. The way you treat people around here is pathetic. You should be ashamed.

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  27. Beehive
    poohbear8192  almost 15 years ago

    Mrs. Lukeskywalker is the one doing the trashing. She trashes Elly every chance she gets. The trashing is mean spirited. We are just calling her on it.

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  28. Iris icon
    doit  almost 15 years ago

    I don’t see anything at all wrong with her comment. I see you acting like a jerk to real people. Not only on this page.

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  29. Snoopy   woodstock  hug
    Gretchen's Mom  almost 15 years ago

    I’m a very lucky woman today.

    Not only is my husband doing all the cooking for me and giving me the day off ….. he’s doing it all for MY mom too!!!!!

    Happy Mother’s Day to my wonderful mother-in-law in heaven (we miss you very, very much!) and a very HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY to all the mother’s here, as well!!!!!

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  30. Beehive
    poohbear8192  almost 15 years ago

    Iris, You have not seen her previous posts.

    Many Many Many previous posts that treat Elly like dirt.

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  31. Iris icon
    doit  almost 15 years ago

    It’s a comic strip. Who put you in charge? Your behavior is unacceptable. There’s a lot of unacceptable behavior here just like yours. I’m sorry I joined this thing. The downright meanness of you people ruins the comics. I looked back. That’s all I see going on. You come here to gang up on people and act smug about it. It makes you the ones who should leave.

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  32. 080316 russian policeman plays trombone in st patrick s day moscow parade
    canpot  almost 15 years ago

    Coy and Gweedo … touche!

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  33. Willy wonka factory
    dsom8  almost 15 years ago

    And, Iris, the most ironic thing is that she has gotten to the point that her comments sound just like what she accuses Elly of doing.

    And MLS has made such critical remarks about Elly and Jon that it is almost like they are real people. And I have come to the point that if she wants to think of them that way, that I can too. And in that way, Jon and Elly become my friends (I always have enjoyed them as comic-strip characters), and I don’t appreciate people who trash my friends.

    It’s nice to see that there are others who feel the same way and are willing to speak up too.

    But every so often, MLS will make a positive comment (like her first sentence today), and those are appreciated.

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  34. Chw82caz11g91ca55h709cawjthlocay2dk85camu64fqcal7s34pcaxyf5n8cakvj1lkcahoq0imca5qa1hbca6k2m2tcaogqf60caob9irfcasvef94ca8ab2alcasx22etcaol4fmjcazjz28x
    ldyhwkd  almost 15 years ago

    Iris - while I don’t disagree with you, I would kindly ask that you not judge all by the few. There are many kind and friendly people on gocomics. Unfortunately, from the comics I read regularly, FBOFW is one of the worst for having harsh commenters.

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  35. Wolf wolves howl
    Wolfdreamer250  almost 15 years ago

    poohbear8192- you asked if Lynn has changed her storylines. Sorry to disappoint, but the storylines are the same so far. Not to say she might in the future, but I wouldn’t hold my breath.

    All she has done is basically added to them, or expanded them. Never going in a different way.

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  36. Deficon
    Coyoty Premium Member almost 15 years ago

    Now that I know that Steve cheats, I wonder what he’s really doing on Sunday nights.

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  37. Cathy aack Premium Member almost 15 years ago

    Worse than John – Annie has a good friend in Elly and hooray that she listened to her!!

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    QuisTheGreat  almost 15 years ago

    Some hag always has to mess things up

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    littledutchboy  almost 15 years ago

    I’d hate to meet Iris, MrsLuke & Ophelia in a dark alley !!!

    If you three ever meet up, I’m running, not walking, outta here!!!!

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