MythTickle by Justin Thompson for May 07, 2010

  1. Purposeinc wolf
    ladywolf17  almost 15 years ago

    And the dead too shall laugh. Though I’m not so sure about that mummy over there.

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  2. Minotaurfanart
    Joe_Minotaur  almost 15 years ago

    I get it.

    S eptic T ank

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  3. Woody with beer
    WoodEye  almost 15 years ago

    Very good Joe M

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  4. Thinker
    Sisyphos  almost 15 years ago

    Imhotep–the first named artistic genius (Dyn. III), who became a god! Anubis is so easily amused!

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  5. But eo
    Rakkav  almost 15 years ago

    I’m glad I figured out the sign myself before scrolling down to see Joe Minotaur’s revelation. Just for the record.

    I seem to be the first one, though, to note the ankh combined with the Mars symbol on the uni-whatever outhouse. :P

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  6. Obedient
    Basqueian  almost 15 years ago

    That is just male and female which indicates unisex facilities

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  7. Pussyhatpig
    TheWildSow  almost 15 years ago

    The sign at the bottom right, 4th panel. S eptic T ankh.

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  8. Senmurv
    mrsullenbeauty  almost 15 years ago

    That’s where you leave your ka-ka.

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  9. Missing large
    prrdh  almost 15 years ago

    Jo Jo said, 20 minutes ago

    That’s where you leave your ka-ka.


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  10. Minotaurfanart
    Joe_Minotaur  almost 15 years ago

    Check the symbol on the door again.

    It’s the ankh and Mars/male symbols superimposed. Symbols for Venus/Female has the cross bar lower and not touching the circle.

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  11. Deficon
    Coyoty Premium Member almost 15 years ago

    Phew! It smells like something died in there!

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  12. Missing large
    puddleglum1066  almost 15 years ago

    Im-Hotep is one really Charmin’ guy…

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  13. Minotaurfanart
    Joe_Minotaur  almost 15 years ago

    Baslim I saw the Wiki article too, but I don’t remember the Ankh ever being used to represent Venus/Female. I don’t think the Egyptians used it that way.

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  14. Georg von rosen   oden som vandringsman  1886  odin  the wanderer
    runar  almost 15 years ago

    Would I be wrong in inferring that J.T. is showing some influence from Vaughn Bode? There’s something very Cheech Wizard-ish about the way Boody and Anubis are walking.

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  15. Kitty
    cutiepie29  almost 15 years ago

    Joe Minotaur said, about 7 hours ago

    Baslim I saw the Wiki article too, but I don’t remember the Ankh ever being used to represent Venus/Female. I don’t think the Egyptians used it that way.

    The Ankh is a symbol of life, and yes, it was also occasionally used to symbolize woman as the giver of life.

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  16. Minotaurfanart
    Joe_Minotaur  almost 15 years ago

    Re: Door sign. I think we need a ruling from Justin on this one. Until then, I bow to those with knowledge greater than my own.

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  17. Missing large
    puddleglum1066  almost 15 years ago

    runar–though I can’t recall Justin ever making an explicit statement, it seems fairly obvious from the strip that he’s been influenced by Bode’s work. There were a couple strips back a few months ago in which we saw the studio of “Cartoonista El Jefe” (the artist, in other words), and there was a stuffed Cheech Wizard on the shelf in the background. Some of the other characters (particularly Dziva) also show a similarity to the Bode style.

    However, as you can see from the first panel’s background detail (and other details that appear throughout the strip), there are a lot of other influences operating in this strip.

    Hey, it’s art. Everybody influences everybody else, and it’s all good in the end…

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  18. Georg von rosen   oden som vandringsman  1886  odin  the wanderer
    runar  almost 15 years ago

    Yeah. I remember, though, that that uplifted-foot walking style was very characteristic. Not that I’m complaining, mind you. Bode is someone worth emulating.

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  19. Myth
    Justjoust Premium Member almost 15 years ago

    I’ve said it many times, Vaughn Bode is my favorite cartoonist of all time, his work made me want to be a cartoonist back when I first saw it- I must have been about 12 years old. Now I know his son Mark and have even palled around with him. I try not to be too Bode’-y but some things just come out. The Ankh thing: It’s just an ankh on the door of the restroom. The little arrow makes it a male symbol on top of the Ankh staff. It’s just supposed to denote “men’s room”. Nothing major, just a silly little gag.

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  20. But eo
    Rakkav  almost 15 years ago

    But effective. :)

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  21. Minotaurfanart
    Joe_Minotaur  almost 15 years ago
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  22. Missing large
    puddleglum1066  almost 15 years ago

    Sysiphos–Imhotep is also the architect/engineer to be named in history (he designed and built the first pyramids). This, too, had something to do with his promotion…

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  23. Yellow pig small
    bmonk  almost 15 years ago

    That’s what I thought, Justin–but I had some doubts about it being unisex…

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