Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling for May 15, 2015
Tom the dancing Bugs SUPER-Fun-Pak comix UNREALIABLE NARRATOR I was thinking I could really use a pizza from Guardino's Then my phone rang Hey, you were suppose to pick me up at the airport! Oh, I forgot! DINKLE, THE UNLOVABLE LOSER On the Internet , nobody knows you're a horrible person. Yes we do. TEEN ROBOT PIRATE GHOST ARR, will you (beep) go to prom with me? (boo!) No! Arr, because (beep) Im a ghost? (boo) No because your family is poor arr(beep) (Boo!) MAGRITTE COMICS this is not a pipe. This is not Phil Collins Huh? This is not Phil Collins Yes, it is! Okay, you got me. This is Huey Louis AUNT MAN Bitten by a radio active aunt, James Jansen gained the proportionate powers of an aunt! So, hows the eight grade? Fine. Your mom tells me you don't have a girlfriend, why not? MOM! FUNNYBONE TICKLERS "Am I standing here correctly? Should I have a more worried expression to indicate that I Care? YUKKITY YUKS "He's talking to me but I can only seem to be concerned about saying something appropriate when he's done" HILARI_T "Am I doing this right?" HUMOROUS HA_HAS Should I be feeling something?
SKJAM! Premium Member almost 10 years ago
Dinkle has run afoul of people being able to read his posts.
TheWildSow almost 10 years ago
Isn’t that not the Ghost of James Caan?
Donaldo Premium Member almost 10 years ago
love fun-pak day
Dragonfox almost 10 years ago
lol @ Aunt Man
greenearthman almost 10 years ago
The “Funnybone Ticklers” look like spitbacks from the New Yorker. How could those editors be so cruel to one of the best cartoonists ever? It’s ok, though. I never read that rag anyway!(A “spitback” is a rarely used-thank God!-bit of Southern slang indicating a chocolate with a bite taken out of it, and placed gently-or gentilely-back in the box.) As always, Ruben, it’s difficult to wait ’til next week!
buzzkillington almost 10 years ago
The Unreliable Narrator could be Louis Maltby all growed up.
ceylondiver almost 10 years ago
I still prefer Mark Newgarden’s parodies of those generic 50s-era gag strips. (And he did it first):