Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for June 17, 2015

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    chassimmons Premium Member over 9 years ago

    It would take more money than anyone has to get those Old Boys to put girls in charge of just about anything.

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    Argythree  over 9 years ago

    The thing thatā€™s kind of touching is Danaeā€™s innocent belief that an average person can lobby Congress for anything

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    phylum  over 9 years ago

    right now I wish my mom was still around to give me one more of those special hugsā€¦.just when I needed it the mostā€¦

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    tripwire45  over 9 years ago

    So a girl needs a man to fund her project. Gee.

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    Space_cat  over 9 years ago

    Only because they say so!

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    Can't Sleep  over 9 years ago

    I love the look in dadā€™s eye in the second panel.

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    Beleck3  over 9 years ago

    lol. as if Republicans would support women like Danae. they donā€™t even allow women to think. to Republicans, women are just plain breeders. uppity women are Democrats to them or non human, low life. barefoot and pregnant, is the Republican idea of womenā€™s ā€œrightsā€. the right to be a breeder and obey your man.

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    johndifool  over 9 years ago

    You are in error. You did not discover your mistake. You have made two errors. You are flawed and imperfect and you have not corrected by sterilisation. You have made three errors!

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    dabugger  over 9 years ago

    Danae is right about one thing. There are lots of ā€˜stinky booger brainsā€™ running things; and they have all the money, and are Republican, of course. Since there are now illegal voting restrictions and gerrymandering, whoever she supports will have almost no chance.

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    Mokurai  over 9 years ago

    Lobbying the stinky, booger-brained Good Old Boys in Congress? To do something about themselves? And which other girls are going to join B.O.S.S.? I think Iā€™ve spotted more than one flaw in this plan. But perhaps someone should tell Danae about Hillary Clinton and Elizabeth Warren, and their respective campaigns against S.B.B.B. Angry White Guys and Banksters.

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    Jeff0811  over 9 years ago

    Politics aside, Another bill that was killed in committee.

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    dflak  over 9 years ago

    I like the battle of the sexes as portrayed by Calvin and Susie Derkins.

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    sciencedoc  over 9 years ago

    Letā€™s reflect on how well that worked for Calvin Supreme Dictator for Life of G.R.O.S.S.

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    Can't Sleep  over 9 years ago

    What Iā€™m really enjoying is the political squabbling this strip is causing.Itā€™s copyright is 2011!Some fish will bite on even old bait.

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    Rarely  over 9 years ago

    She who rocks the cradle rules the world. (They just donā€™t know it.)

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    caligula  over 9 years ago

    Actually if she could crowdsource that among 5 to 12 year old girls sheā€™d probably clean up. Kids are rich today!

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    richard  over 9 years ago

    Wouldnā€™t it be great if Calvin and GROSS met Danae and BOSS in a collaborative cartoon.

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    punslinger  over 9 years ago

    Margaret Thatcher killed a bunch of people over rocks inhabited mainly by sheep and penguins. The epitome of intelligence! I rest my case.

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    JLG Premium Member over 9 years ago

    She and Calvin would have someā€¦.interesting conversations.

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