For Better or For Worse by Lynn Johnston for May 25, 2010

  1. Balloon32
    freewaydog  almost 15 years ago

    Hey shoes2b, save your ad spam for elsewhere, ok?

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  2. Princesses
    mcveinot  almost 15 years ago

    I think my kids parties are the best! I probably have more fun than the kids do, lol! Key is not to stress and have fun!

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  3. Paula abdul 2636 4134
    cindylat  almost 15 years ago

    1st of all, my kid’s parties have the adults stay(my brothers and sisters) and we always have our own party, (gasp! yes there is alcohol involved, no not for the children) with the kids. They are always supervised and no one ever get’s hurt..well seriously hurt…they can be alot of fun…Is that a Magilla Gorilla doll she has??

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  4. Osc koz november 2009 010
    Ursula A Kehoe Premium Member almost 15 years ago

    Aww. Magilla Gorilla! I remember him ….

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  5. Cathyfacepalm
    lightenup Premium Member almost 15 years ago

    Back when this strip is supposed to take place, more birthday parties were done at home, but I’ve always had my kids’ parties at other places. It may be more expensive, but totally worth my sanity. I’ve enjoyed them all.

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  6. 85687b49dadc69f9a2841bdc1f655d095832d649 hq
    gaebie  almost 15 years ago

    Going to the link HowTheDuck gave, I think that is one of the sweetest I have seen on FBOW

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  7. Foxhound1
    bald  almost 15 years ago

    glad my kids are grown, now we just go someplace nice for dinner (their choice)

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  8. Forward woman
    Bender_Sastre  almost 15 years ago

    The middle child always gets the shaft!

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  9. J0262810
    Wildmustang1262  almost 15 years ago

    Oh Elly, com’on! Ask John to help you cleaning the mess after the birthday party was over. Do not expect to find something for another birthday party every year! Ahem, Michael, watch your tongue! tsk!

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  10. Coffee turtle avatar
    coffeeturtle  almost 15 years ago

    I guess that is why they invented Chuck E. Cheese… safe, no cleanup, and impersonal. Who can ask for more? LOL!


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  11. Whatwouldblue
    mrslukeskywalker  almost 15 years ago


    Sadly, what I said yesterday rolls over to today too. Not one ounce of joy! Awwww, look! They drank MILK at a birthday party. Milk and celery. Maybe it’s best that she never had another party untill 16. Mike’s rogue lolipop must have been brought in by one of the guests.

    Thanks Howtheduck, for both your posts today. You know this strip better than anybody else, so when you point these things out, nobody gets mad at you for it. I just wonder how you didn’t get this non-rose colored glasses Elly outlook sooner, knowing all you know about the whole thing.

    It DOES look just like Magilla. I LOVED that show back in the 60’s and 70’s. They only made 2 seasons of it, 1964 and 1965. I tried to find it on DVD once for my collection. I can’t find Augie Doggie either, but I finally got the complete series of TV’s Batman, 120 episodes.

    “How much is that gor-iwa in da window???” ~ Ogie to Mr. Peebles. The window sign changes down to 1 cent.

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  12. 9 chickweed
    LFate  almost 15 years ago

    Seems to me Elly did just fine planning and running the birthday party. What party doesn’t leave the host exhausted and have a ton of clean up. I’m not really sure where all of the assumption come from that people make about this comic. It is just a comic.

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  13. Whatwouldblue
    mrslukeskywalker  almost 15 years ago

    LFate said ” I’m not really sure where all of the assumption come from that people make about this comic. It is just a comic.”

    We get our information FROM READING THE STRIP EVERY DAY. IT’S ALL RIGHT THERE IN THE STRIPS. There is no “assumption” involved. Oh, and we look at the pictures, and we REMEMBER.

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  14. Missing large
    eocene  almost 15 years ago

    She’s been shown as miserable and harried in every single strip in this birthday party arc. There was only one panel the other day where she smiled, but afterwards she went right back to complaining about herself and her problems. Maybe she’d be less stressed out if she tried to actually enjoy the moment, make pleasant memories, and maybe finally realize that just because something creates a little mess and takes a little effort doesn’t mean it’s a miserable burden. She’s so painfully self-centered; sure, she goes throught the motions, but in the process acts like it’s such a burden to have to spend time with or entertain her children (ie: complaining ahead of time about how much work it’ll be instead of showing any positive emotion about her daughter’s birthday; focusing on HER age and how old SHE feels instead of her daughter’s b-day; collapsing in a miserable heap afterwards. If it’s that big of a deal for her she should have asked her friends or husband to help, but she seems to prefer martyring herself needlessly instead). How utterly depressing.

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  15. Cathy aack Premium Member almost 15 years ago

    Um probably not every year Michael. Thanx for the link Howtheduck – it was neat to see the changes in everybody & Elizabeth all grown up. I think maybe I liked the strip better when the kids were teenagers & past all the baby stuff. I think Elly was happier too when she got the job in the bookstore.

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  16. Girl jumping upside down th
    Downundergirl  almost 15 years ago

    Bender_Sastre said, about 10 hours ago The middle child always gets the shaft!

    Yes Bender, but it makes us stronger! More Creative! Not a overbearing bossy boots like the eldest, or a whining spoiled wimp like the youngest!

    … Us Middle Kids ROCK! (all said with tounge firmly in cheek)

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  17. Pets
    glitterygal07  almost 15 years ago

    What fun.

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