Ripley's Believe It or Not by Ripley’s Believe It or Not! for June 15, 2015

  1. B986e866 14d0 4607 bdb4 5d76d7b56ddb
    Templo S.U.D.  almost 10 years ago

    That IS a rather short plane ride. How many miles/kilometers’ difference is that?

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  2. Badass uncle sam
    hawgowar  almost 10 years ago

    Wow with almost no water and a low oxygen content in a very thin and usually quite chilly atmosphere, I’m surprised there is rust.

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  3. 71  3d
    KZ71  almost 10 years ago

    Just a little bit of each will do it. Those tiny levels are also why after thousands of years of existence, Mars is STILL rusting and we don’t know it as the Swiss Cheese Planet. :-)

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  4. Image gl2xu6o8 1679017467894 raw
    Space_cat  almost 10 years ago

    47 seconds for the flight, 2 hours on each end for TSA security, and 60 minutes to get your bags and get to your car.I think swimming may be faster, at least the sharks are friendlier than the TSA agents and don’t grope as much.

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  5. Lonely bike
    aimlesscruzr  almost 10 years ago

    To drive from airport to airport, it’s an hour, including ferry.

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  6. Missing large
    artimusvex  almost 10 years ago

    Iron rusting? Are you serious? Is the iron on the surface of Mars? It’s like saying Earth isn’t blue because that’s just the water in the ocean.

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  7. Ximage
    Jogger2  almost 10 years ago

    So Mars isn’t red because scientists figured out why it is red.

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    bmillard  almost 10 years ago

    My truck is not red, either. That’s just the color of the paint on it’s surface… :-/ ?

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  9. Thinker1
    Fan o’ Lio.  almost 10 years ago

    Ok it’s not red it’s rust colored.

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  10. Dr suese 02
    Tarredandfeathered  almost 10 years ago

    Plenty of Oxygen.IN the Rust.That’s a large part of why the remaining atmosphere is so Thin..

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