Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling for June 12, 2015
news of the times reasonable checks placed on cartoonists' unbridled, unlimited power we all know that cartoonists are so powerful, their drawings can do actual harm to deities! so how can mere mortals withstand a mighty blow from the cartoonist's rapidograph pen? an all-powerful cartoonist practicing his terrible craft. thankfully, in iran, some scrappy underdog despots are taking steps to defend themselves. man: it's scary, but we must! 28-year-old iranian artist atena farghadani drew iranian lawmakers as monkeys and cows, in response to their placing limits on access to contraception and family planning services. iran has protected us all by sentencing her to over 12 years in prison for this awful deed. for too long, cartoonists have used their powers to gain total control over us. cartoonist: senator, i demand more government subsidies for cartoonists, or i shall draw you as a... turtle! senator: no! anything you say, o cartoonist! after all, imagine how much this very cartoon you are reading would change farghadani's situation if it were satirical, and not totally sincere! man: argh! cartoon satire overwhelming! you're free to go!
StCleve72 almost 10 years ago
Thankfully back in the 50’s our great Congress knew that comix caused juvenile delinquency, not to mention impure thoughts and did something about it:
StCleve72 almost 10 years ago
The committee was led by the Honorable (sic) Harley M. Kilgore of W.Va. who was elected honorably and fairly, well, maybe not:
StCleve72 almost 10 years ago
Also on the committee, the fair minded and intelligent James Eastland who told Mike Wallace, in defense of Jim Crow that: " I’ve just told you that a reconstruction legislature composed principally of Nigras enacted our segregation statutes".
Donaldo Premium Member almost 10 years ago
well said, Ruben
tobybartels almost 10 years ago
I am shocked at the unpardonable irresponsibility of the middle panel of this totally sincere cartoon! How dare Ruben reproduce even a portion of Atena’s evil and harmful work?
petkov almost 10 years ago
very telling how making fun of Iran and Muslems is “freedom of speach” but making fun of Isreal and Jews is “anti Semithism”. Oh well, propaganda NEVER ends. You are a sell out.
ScullyUFO almost 10 years ago
If thine eye offend thee, shoot the other guy.
gammaguy almost 10 years ago
I make fun of everyone, including myself. The world should be glad I’m not a cartoonist.
craigwestlake almost 10 years ago
You all missed the ‘honorable’ and self-righteous Joe McCarthy…
Jennifer Kendzior almost 10 years ago
See comic Jesus and Mo. He draws them both.
ickymungmung over 9 years ago
Why is it that cartoon jails do not hold anyone real? At best their drawings are of minimum security penal institutions, with early release programs for the poorly drawn. Are cartoonists just toying with us? Surely the poor woman who is the subject of the above comic could draw herself a hole to crawl through, or erase a few walls!!