Frazz by Jef Mallett for July 26, 2015

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    Chrisdiaz801  over 9 years ago

    You stopped him too soon, Miss Plainwell. Frazz might have sung to you, he was getting there.

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  2. 345 the puss in boots 3
    Boots at the Boar Premium Member over 9 years ago

    The boss complained of a website design I did. “It should be a sunrise. Not a sunset.” “But it is a sunrise.” “No it’s not.” “It was labeled as a sunrise.” “Then it was mislabeled.” I ended up getting up at 4 am to take a picture of the sunrise on the lake. Then took a picture of the sunset from the top of the drumlin. Same difference. I knew what he wanted, so I photoshopped the sunrise to have unnatural blue, pink, and yellow hues. He was happy, but the artifice still bugs me.

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  3. 2006 afl collingwood
    nosirrom  over 9 years ago

    The worse thing about summer vacation for a kid is having to go to bed when it’s still light outside.

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    B.D.  over 9 years ago


    “It doesn’t include the criminal behavior of most teachers today
” and, " When more teachers than students are getting stoned

    Those type of comments are pure made-up nonsense, so any credibility you had is completely gone and there is no point in even reading any more of your rambling gibberish.

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    tech60  over 9 years ago


    Thanks, Nab. You’ve stated, in a nut shell, why my granddaughters are both home schooled.

    And may I add here, that people who home school are actually spending double to ensure their children get an education. My son and daughter-in-law pay property taxes on a home and vehicles—a good chunk going for a school tax. Then pay for supplies and programs to home school the girls. If the school system was doing what it collects tax dollars to do, without the drama/politics/backstabbing/inertia/just flat don’t give a d***, home school folks might, might return their kids to the system. But instead, the board in their county would rather pay someone to call and harass these parents about returning their kids to the school system (because they’re “losing federal/state funds”) rather than fixing said system.

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    garcoa  over 9 years ago

    I was enjoying a beautiful comic sunset until you guys came along. Lighten up!

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    eepatt  over 9 years ago

    Do you get all your ideas and information from Faux ? Almost every teacher I now has spent money out of his/her own pocket to get supplies that he/she thought their students needed. More of us get high than students? You obviously/obliviously do not have much connection with actuality. If teaching is such a cushy job, why don’t a lot of people go into it?

    There are definitely problems in our public schools, but your naive attitude only makes the problems worse. Fact that might help you take a step towards reality—schools are a reflection of the society in which they exist. That is a sobering thought when you consider that our country has incredible wealth and almost 40% of our school students live in poverty.

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  8. Odin in hi
    krcaddis  over 9 years ago

    It’s time for a couple readers to drop the comments altogether; if anyone wants your self-centered jibe they can tune in to talk radio, ass-uming it still exists. Your daily spiels ruin life for the rest of us; it must be horrible to be you. It only proves that “education” does not correspond to intellectual competence, merely “time in school.” Do everyone a favor and shut up or drop out

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    Doublejake  over 9 years ago

    Nicely done, Nabby. Much as I appreciate the work the vast majority of teachers do, I do have to admit your post proved your point that the education system does indeed produce its share of failed products.

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  10. Img 4741
    Ninette  over 9 years ago

    Sunsets in Hawaii are often gray and plain. Colors and spectacular clouds are rare. It’s very common for rainbows to greet the morning along with the sun. A much prettier display, IMO.

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    Uncle Bob  over 9 years ago

    Always wanted to see a green flash since I read about them in a Daniel V. Gallery book

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  12. Yellow submarine
    spaced man spliff  over 9 years ago

    It seems commercial America is always a season ahead of the calendar. The ‘back-to-school’ ads are up and running, and we’re not even in August yet. Watch for Halloween ads sometime before September, and immediately following Labor Day, up go the Santas—while we’re all still sweatin’.

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  13. Taz by abovetheflames
    danketaz Premium Member over 9 years ago

    “Sure he’s crazy, but at least he’s good with kids.”

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    english.ann  over 9 years ago

    BootsAtTheBoar,Sounds like you’re in western New York, with that mention of a drumlin. Is the lake you mention Lake Ontario?When I looked up drumlins online, first Washington State, then western Canada came up as places where drumlins exist.

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    hippogriff  over 9 years ago

    nosirrom: I always had a problem in Vancouver with it being daylight at !0:00 pm in the summer and dark at 4:30 pm in the winter.

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    nkroeger  over 9 years ago

    Why is the first frame not shown? It is an important part of that strip. It is a reference to Maxfield Parrish, and shows a “Frazz” version of one of Parrish’s paintings!

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  17. Spike  profie 2 edit
    Yermo Adam  about 2 years ago

    I am such as sun-rise loving guy, I am seldom up long enough for a sunset.

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  18. Cat pic
    DKHenderson  3 months ago

    A glorious strip!

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